How to Succeed as a Private Carer: Insights from a Professional

James Bowdler

16 May, 2024

2 min read

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As the founder of PrimeCarers, I frequently meet dedicated professionals who exemplify what it means to provide excellent care. Elmare is one such individual. Her approach to private personal care offers valuable lessons for carers looking to excel in this field. Here are key insights from my conversation with her. in a new tab)

How to Succeed as a Private Carer

Elmare’s career in caregiving is marked by her hard work and dedication. Managing an 11-hour workday, she maintains a full schedule, reflecting her high demand among clients. Her rates are fair and reasonable, yet reflective of her extensive experience and the quality care she provides. “I work every day from seven until six. Every day,” she says. This level of commitment has helped her build a successful career.

The Importance of Professionalism and Punctuality

Reliability and punctuality are essential traits for any carer. Elmare has established a reputation for being exceptionally reliable and punctual. “My managers at the care companies knew they could set their clocks by me, no matter what. Very punctual,” she explains whilst attributing a good part of her success to this trait. Being dependable builds trust with clients and colleagues, which is crucial for long-term success.

Commitment to Going the Extra Mile

Elmare believes in going above and beyond for her clients. “You have to be prepared to go the extra mile. I’m there for the clients, fulfilling their needs and ensuring they are happy in their own homes,” she says. This level of dedication not only improves the clients’ quality of life but also enhances job satisfaction. She adds, “Sometimes I have to take a deep breath and think, God, give me strength for this person. But, you know, I go back and do it all over again.”

Utilising Core Skills and Traits

Skills and personality traits such as service orientation and a commitment to excellence are integral to success in private care. Elmare has honed these through her diverse career experiences, including a long stint as head of travel for what the best rugby team in the word. These qualities help her excel in providing personalized care to her clients, showing that professional skills are valuable in caregiving roles. Reflecting on her past work, she says, “It was about service. It was about commitment.”

Staying Emotionally Resilient

Elmare acknowledges the emotional challenges of caregiving, especially when working with long-term clients. “It can become very emotional because I’ve been with the clients for years. When [a client] was so sick in January, I cried lots of tears,” she shares. Managing these emotions while maintaining professionalism is essential for sustaining a career in care. “You have to keep your emotions in check,” she advises.

Advice for Aspiring Carers

For those entering the caregiving field, Elmare offers straightforward advice:

  • Be Prepared for Hard Work: The job demands physical and emotional investment. “It’s not an easy job, not by any means,” she emphasizes.
  • Maintain Professionalism: Consistency in quality of care and adherence to schedules are key. “Even when I was working for an agency, they knew they could set their clocks by me,” she notes.
  • Build Strong Relationships: Taking a genuine interest in clients’ lives can make a significant difference. “I enjoy the people. I enjoy my job. Some mornings it’s hard to get up, but once I’m up, I’m ready to go,” Elmare says.


Elmare’s experience as a private carer highlights the importance of dedication, professionalism, and emotional resilience. Her insights provide a roadmap for carers looking to succeed in this field. By embodying these qualities, carers can enhance their careers while making a meaningful impact on the lives of their clients. Elmare’s story is both instructive and inspiring, showcasing the profound difference that commitment and compassion can make in caregiving to others and one’s own experience of life.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.