Most Popular Hobbies Among Companionship Carers in Glasgow

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Most Popular Hobbies Among Companionship Carers in Glasgow

The most popular hobbies among companionship carers in Glasgow are walking, cooking and baking, reading, watching TV and listening to music.

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The Importance of Shared Interests

At PrimeCarers, we know it's not just the practical aspects of care that matter—it's also about companionship and shared interests. These interests are a fundamental part of what we do, and they contribute towards our matching algorithm designed to connect clients to carers with shared hobbies.

Below is a summary of hobbies among our Glasgow carers, offering better insight and helping you to select a carer who is aligned with your interests.

| Hobby | Percent of Carers | | --- | --- | | Walking | 72.7% | | Cooking & Baking | 60.6% | | Reading | 51.5% | | Watching TV | 48.5% | | Music | 48.5% | | Socialising | 45.5% | | Gardening | 45.5% | | Dancing | 42.4% | | Decorating | 39.4% | | Photography | 39.4% | | Painting | 36.4% | | Sports | 30.3% | | Card Games | 27.3% | | Puzzles | 27.3% | | Board Games | 24.2% | | Volunteering | 24.2% | | Video Games | 21.2% | | Fishing | 18.2% | | DIY | 15.2% | | Writing | 15.2% | | Knitting | 12.1% | | Embroidery | 6.1% | | Yoga | 6.1% | | Collecting | 6.1% |


With 72.7% of carers expressing a fondness for walking, it is the most popular pastime. This isn't surprising given Glasgow's lush landscapes and extensive parks such as The Trossachs National Park, or its numerous lochs where you can enjoy a calm stroll. Walking is not only a healthy activity, it's a time for carer and client to engage in a relaxed manner, fostering better bonds Find Companionship Care in Glasgow.

Cooking and Baking

A passion for cooking and baking stands as the second most popular hobby at 60.6%. Bonding in the kitchen is a fundamental part of companionship care – it's an opportunity to create meals together, share recipes, and even reminisce over family cooking stories. It also allows for carers to understand their clients' nutrition needs and accommodate dietary preferences in an exciting, engaging manner.


Reading is a favoured hobby among 51.5% of carers. This hobby presents opportunities for both quiet companionship and great discussions. Whether you prefer to indulge in literary classics, biographies, crime mysteries or magazines, it’s likely the carer matched to you would enjoy cosy reading sessions as well.

Watching TV

For some, comfort and camaraderie are found in front of a warm, glowing TV screen. Watching TV is a hobby for 48.5% of carers, making it a widely shared interest. Whether it's catching up on popular shows, watching the latest news, or revisiting classic films, shared viewing can form a cornerstone of companionship.


A shared love for music donning at 48.5% is another bonding platform. Music has the power to uplift spirits, bring back memories, and encourage expressions of feeling. It can also be a source of entertainment, whether it’s listening to vintage records, attending a local gig or simply watching a music performance on TV.

Shared Hobbies Form Quality Bonds

PrimeCarers believe in the power of shared interests and how these can enhance the quality of the caregiving experience. It's more than just having someone to provide aid, it's about companionship and relishing those shared moments of connection. A sense of shared interests can contribute not only to compatibility but also to the overall satisfaction and success of a caring relationship The Complete Guide to Companionship Care.

Finding a Carer

PrimeCarers can help connect you with the right caregiver. In choosing a companion carer, the featured hobbies above can serve as a guide in drawing a perfect match. Understanding that each client has unique interests and needs, PrimeCarers is dedicated to assisting you in finding a carer that can accommodate those needs.

Carer Activities in Glasgow

It's worth acknowledging that Glasgow presents a plethora of engaging social activities and attractions that carers and clients alike can enjoy. From its beautiful outdoor spaces, arts scene, to vibrant neighbourhoods, there's something for everyone. These shared activities can provide a source of enjoyment, conversation, and shared memories, deepening the bond between carer and client Places to Visit with a Companionship Carer in Glasgow.

Concluding Thoughts

In conclusion, hobbies are an essential part of our lives and can greatly contribute to the success of a companionship care relationship. The shared interests make all the difference, proving that care goes beyond mere assistance—it includes understanding, communication and connection. PrimeCarers is here to facilitate a seamless and quality care experience, making it easier for you to find a carer that not only satisfies your care needs but also shares your interests Find Companionship Care in Glasgow.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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