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James Bowdler
13 September, 2023
2 min read
Dosette box eligibility typically falls under the UK Equality Act (2010). It’s typically free for anyone prescribed 4 or more NHS repeat items or if it’s concluded that a dosette box will significantly support a person’s medication management.
Before we delve into who qualifies for a dosette box, we must understand what exactly a dosette box is.
A dosette box, also known as a Pill Box or Mediplanner, is a special pillbox designed to offer a simple solution to the problem of forgetting or mixing up medications. With compartments for different times of the day and different days of the week, it ensures the right doses are taken at the right times.
Elderly people, particularly those living alone or with cognitive impairments, constitute a significant percentage of dosette box users. With age, keeping up with the sometimes referring task of medication management may prove challenging. This difficulty could stem from memory problems or the number of medications taken daily. A Dosette box provides a compact, organized means of tracking their medication intake.
Individuals who take numerous medications (polypharmacy) frequently need a system to keep track of their drugs. Remembering to take four or more prescriptions at varying times daily can be overwhelming. The dosette box simplifies this process by organizing all the medications into specific compartments for each day and time.
A dosette box isn’t only beneficial for elderly or infirm individuals. People with busy schedules or complex routines can also find this tool helpful. If you lead a midnight-oil-burning, hustle-on-the-daily kind of life, a dosette box can help keep your medications on track, ensuring you never miss a dose.
Dosette boxes also offer a significant advantage to health professionals, especially those offering in-home care services. The boxes can provide a clear and accurate record of medication consumption, making it easier to manage patient care, particularly for patients with complex medication routines.
The Equality Act (2010) obliges public and private sector organisations, including the NHS and its providers, to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to avoid disadvantaging people with disabilities. This includes providing auxiliary aids like dosette boxes to meet their medication needs.
As stated earlier, anyone prescribed four or more NHS repeat items may be eligible for a dosette box. Your General Practitioner (GP) or pharmacist can suggest if a dosette box would benefit you.
Ultimately, dosette boxes should be regarded as the last resort after exploring other options and supports. A clinical decision must be made by a suitable health professional, such as a GP or pharmacist, before providing someone with a dosette box.
While anyone could feasibly use a dosette box, it is primarily targeted at helping those who might face trouble managing their medications. So, if you or a loved one fits into any of these categories or has been prescribed multiple NHS repeat items, consider exploring dosette box options.
On a final note, PrimeCarers recognises the essential role of dosette boxes in medication management and patient care. With the right tools and support, we believe everyone should be able to manage their medication intake accurately and dependably. Always consider seeking the advice or approval of your pharmacist or health professionals when switching to a dosette box system.
James Bowdler
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