Frequently Asked Questions

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When booking a visit with a client, you should have already discussed what is needed and when. You should have also agreed on a time and date for these visits.

If you have not already, you should run a risk assessment on your first visit. This will allow you and the client to identify risk, and take the right precautions to avoid them.

Why book a visit on the platform?

After agreeing on a time for the visits with a client, you should ensure that the client books the visit through the platform.

This is for safeguarding reasons, If something were to go wrong, then we would have a record.

If the visit is not accepted or booked, you WILL NOT be insured and WILL NOT get paid .

So you must remember to accept the visit as soon as possible. You should also remind the client to book a visit if they haven't already, and you know you will be working.

How to book a paid visit?

When the client books the visit, you MUST accept the visit if you are going. If the visit is not accepted, the client will assume that you are not arriving and therefore may not be expecting you, and may have found a replacement.

If you still arrive after not accepting the visit, you will not be insured or paid for you time there, as we will be unaware due to it not being marked on the system.

If you do not want to accept the visit for any reason, then you should decline it and let the client know what the problem is.