Funding Home Care in Bexley

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Funding Home Care in Bexley

Funding home care in Bexley can be achieved through council funding, NHS continuing care, or private funding, each offering unique terms and conditions for eligibility.

Home Care in Bexley
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Council Funding for Home Care in Bexley

One significant way to finance home care services in Bexley is through council funding. However, eligibility depends on both the care needs and the financial status of an individual.

Assessing Your Care Needs

For eligibility, the Bexley council first carries out a needs assessment. It usually involves a meeting with a social worker or an occupational therapist to discuss one's health condition and the kind of support that will best meet their needs.

Determining Your Financial Status

After the needs assessment, a financial assessment follows. It is to evaluate your financial means to contribute towards your care. The council checks your income and savings, excluding the value of your main home. If your savings amount to over £23,250, you will usually be expected to pay for home care yourself.

Applying for Council Funding

Remember, council funding isn't granted automatically. An application is needed, and it's essential to check eligibility and understand the process before making a move. The first step to kickstart the application process for council funding in Bexley is by visiting the Bexley Local Authority website.

It's also noteworthy that council funding is flexible across various home care types, whether it's live-in care, hourly care, or respite care. Visiting the Types of Home Care Available in Bexley can offer more insight.

NHS Continuing Care

NHS Continuing Care is another method to fund home care for people with intense, ongoing health needs. It is fully funded by the NHS and not means-tested.

Determining Eligibility

The qualifying criterion for NHS Continuing Care has nothing to do with certain conditions or diagnoses. Instead, it's based on individual health needs and the complexity, intensity, and unpredictability of these needs. More information can be found on the South East London Integrated Commissioning Board's website.

The NHS – through ICBs – will first conduct a primary assessment to check whether one is eligible for a full assessment. If positive, a multidisciplinary team evaluates the individual's needs to ascertain if they qualify for continued support.

Application And Decision

Note that the decision-making process could take up to 28 days after the assessment has been carried out. If the application is successful, a personal health budget can be set up to cater to your needs.

Private Funding

Private funding is another viable choice for those who wish to independently finance home care in Bexley.

Assessing the Cost

When considering private home care, it's essential to make a comprehensive evaluation of the cost of home care in Bexley. The Cost of Home Care in Bexley page on the PrimeCarers website is an excellent starting point. Be sure to check it out to get an estimated amount of what you should expect to pay.

Finding Your Home Care

Private funding avails the chance to have maximum control over the care you receive. To find and choose a home care service provider in Bexley, you can visit the Find Home Care in Bexley page.

Remember, home care isn't restricted to a certain scene. There are several categories of home care available from live-in care to hourly care to respite care and more.


Home care is a necessity for several people. But, knowing how to adequately fund it is crucial as well. Luckily, in Bexley, home care can be funded with ease through either council funding, NHS continuing care, or private funding. For a greater understanding of how to fund home care, you can visit the Complete Guide to Care Funding on PrimeCarers website.

It's essential for you, or whoever requires the home care, to evaluate the options available. With home care, you can live life with less stress, knowing that you're not alone, that there’s always someone ready, willing, and qualified to lend a hand.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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