Funding Home Care in Bristol

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Funding Home Care in Bristol

Funding home care in Bristol can differ greatly depending on the type of funding required, with council funding, NHS continuing care, and private funding being the primary sources of funding.

Home Care in Bristol
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Council Funding for Home Care

The Bristol local authority provides means-tested social care funding. If an individual's savings and assets, excluding the home, are less than £23,250, they are eligible for funding. Let's take a closer look at this funding source and learn how to apply.

Understanding Council Funding

In the event of needing care, the first step is to get a care needs assessment from the local authority. This determines what care is required and how to best meet these needs. If the assessment concludes that care services are needed and the person qualifies financially, the local authority will contribute to the cost of care.

This financial assessment considers income, savings, and assets. However, while the value of property will not be assessed if an individual is to receive care at their own home, if the person has more than £23,250 in savings and investments, they will have to pay for their home care privately.

The Bristol local authority has resources for further understanding these financial stipulations.

Taking the First Steps towards Council Funding

Starting the process towards obtaining council funding involves multiple steps:

  1. Contact the local council to request a care assessment.
  2. Provide necessary financial information for a means test.
  3. Discuss care plan options with a care manager.
  4. Confirm care plan and funding.

Through the care assessment, the council determines what type of care is needed. The individual's financial situation is then evaluated, with those having savings and assets below the £23,250 limit being eligible for funding. The next step is to discuss care options and agree on a plan. Finally, the details of this plan and the funding are to be confirmed.

NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding

In addition to council funding, there is also the option to avail NHS continuing healthcare, a package of care that is arranged and funded by the NHS for individuals who have a primary health need. This type of funding is not means-tested and is applicable for those requiring long-term care and support.

Exploring NHS Continuing Healthcare

This funding for home care caters exclusively to those with serious long-term health conditions, not specific diagnoses. The assessment for this care focuses on health needs, such as complexity, intensity, unpredictability, and the nature of care require.

People who meet the requirements for NHS continuing healthcare receive care packages that include both healthcare and social care. It's paramount to note that this funding is not means-tested, so it's available irrespective of personal incomes and assets. Further information on NHS continuing healthcare in Bristol is found here.

Steps towards NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding

Obtaining NHS continuing healthcare involves the following steps:

  1. Complete a preliminary checklist assessment.
  2. If successful, undergo a comprehensive assessment with healthcare professionals utilising the Decision Support Tool.
  3. Patient reviews results and appeals if unsuccessful.

The checklist is a pre-screening tool to identify those eligible for the full continuing healthcare assessment. If this assessment reveals a primary health need, the individual will qualify. Anyone not satisfied with the result can appeal through an NHS process.

Private Funding for Home Care

Lastly, there's the option for private funding for those who are ineligible for council funding or NHS continuing healthcare. This involves paying for caregiving services personally or with the help of health insurance.

Overview of Private Funding

When it comes to private funding, the cost of home care can vary significantly depending on the type and intensity of care required. This may involve hourly care, live-in assistance, or respite care, each of which has different cost implications. The Cost of Home Care in Bristol can provide a more detailed insight.

With enough savings and assets, private pay for care can provide an individual with more flexibility and choice on the type of care they can receive. However, it's important to plan strategically to assure these funds last as long as necessary.

Initiating Private Funding for Home Care

Private funding starts with these steps:

  1. Determine the kind of care needed, be it hourly care, live-in or respite care.
  2. Review income and available funds.
  3. Compare care providers and services.
  4. Consult with insurance providers, if applicable.
  5. Create a budget and financial plan.

Begin by identifying your needs by consulting with professionals, loved ones, and researching different care types. Review your income and savings to assess what you can afford. The next step is to compare available care providers in areas like Bristol, focusing on costs and services. If applicable, consult with your insurance provider regarding coverage and benefits. Finally, create a budget and financial plan for long-term care funding.


Funding for home care can seem complicated at first, but once the main sources – council funding, NHS continuing healthcare, and private funding – are understood, it becomes clearer how to approach it. As seen in this article, each funding type comes with its own process, considerations, and resources, with options available to accommodate different needs and financial circumstances. Planning the funding of home care may be challenging, but with careful thought and the right help, it can be manageable. Understanding your own or a loved one's needs is crucial, and while doing so can be daunting, even the longest journey begins with a single step.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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