Funding Home Care in Bromley

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Funding Home Care in Bromley

Funding home care in Bromley, or any region for that matter, can be done by using Council Funding, NHS continuing care, or private funding.

Home Care in Bromley
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Sub-header 1: What is Home Care

Home care, as suggested by the name, is healthcare or supportive care administered at the comfort of your home. The home care service can be provided by registered healthcare professionals who provide medical treatment or by qualified caregivers offering daily assistance and personal care. Home care can range from hourly care, respite care, or live-in care, all offered by specialist organisations like PrimeCarers.

Sub-header 2: The Need for Home Care Funding

Accessing the right care is paramount to improving the quality of life of those in need. However, the costs associated with these services can often be daunting, making the securing of funding a vital first step. The cost of home care can be influenced by various factors including the intensity, duration, and type of care required. It's crucial to understand the cost of home care in Bromley before embarking on the journey to secure funding.

Sub-header 3: Council Funding for Home Care

One viable option for funding home care is through local authorities. In Bromley, the local government can provide substantial support for eligible residents. The Bromley local authority provides help with the costs of home care for those who are assessed as having a financial need. You can find more information about this on their official website.

Step 1: Eligibility Assessment

To become eligible for council funding, the local authority must carry out a needs assessment. This is designed to understand the level and type of care that is suitable for the individual. It accounts for aspects such as living conditions, daily activities, mental health, and existing medical conditions.

Step 2: Financial Assessment

Once needs are determined, a financial means assessment is made to determine the level of financial contribution the individual can make towards their care costs.

Step 3: Care and Support Plan

A care and support plan is devised based on the assessments, which details how the person's care needs will be met. This could include receiving a personal budget, which allows for greater control over how funds are spent on care.

Sub-header 4: NHS Continuing Care

Another means of securing funding for home care is through NHS Continuing Healthcare. This is a free package of care that is arranged and funded by the NHS and is provided to individuals who have complex, ongoing health care needs. Details on NHS Continuing Healthcare are available on the South East London Integrated Commissioning Board's website.

Step 1: Initial Assessment

The first step in the NHS continuing care process is an initial checklist assessment. This assessment considers the nature, intensity, complexity, and unpredictability of the patient’s needs.

Step 2: Full Assessment

If the initial assessment deems it necessary, the next step is to undergo a full assessment which is led by a health professional and potentially involves a multidisciplinary team, considering the 12 care domains defined by the Department of Health.

Step 3: Decision and Reviews

The assessment's result is then utilised by a team in the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to decide on the eligibility for full or part funding. While Continuing Healthcare is not means-tested, it is subject to annual reviews, and eligibility can change.

Sub-header 5: Private Funding for Home Care

Private funding for home care is an option for those who may not be eligible for council or NHS funding. With Private Funding, home care costs are met entirely out of pocket.

Step 1: Consider a Financial Advisor

The first step would be to consider seeking advice from a specialist financial adviser who can guide you through the life-long costs and how best to plan your finances for future care needs.

Step 2: Review Existing Resources

Existing resources and assets, including savings, investments, or property, should be reviewed in order to ascertain how much funding is readily available.

Step 3: Seek Appropriate Care Options

Finally, explore the most appropriate care options available, cost them accordingly and decide on a viable one. Ensure to check how much it would cost for your preferred type of care on websites such as PrimeCarers, which allow you to find home care in Bromley suitable to your needs.

Sub-header 6: Conclusion

Regardless of the type of home care required, be it live-in care, hourly care, or respite care, securing the appropriate funding is vital. Local authority funding, NHS continuing care, and private funding all offer viable routes to meeting these costs. It is essential to consider various aspects like eligibility, assessment process, and financial means before deciding on the right path for you or your loved ones. In a world where everyone has the right to the best possible quality of life, understanding these funding procedures can make the entire process of seeking care less daunting and more accessible.

Remember, always be kind to yourself throughout the process. Reach out to care advisors, consult with health professionals, and continue to do what is best for your loved one.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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