Funding Home Care in Kensington and Chelsea

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Funding Home Care in Kensington and Chelsea

Funding home care in Kensington and Chelsea can be achieved through various sources such as council funding, NHS continuing care, and private funding; each offering unique ways to meet home care expenses.

Home Care in Kensington and Chelsea
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Council Funding For Home Care

Residents of Kensington and Chelsea might be eligible to use council funding for their home care expenses. The Kensington and Chelsea local authority is tasked with determining people's eligibility for financial support.

How Council Funding Works

When you apply for council funding, the local authority will conduct a needs assessment. This involves reviewing your care requirements and financial situation to ascertain your eligibility for financial aid. If the assessment concludes that your care needs meet the nationally set criteria, you’ll be offered a financial means test. The means test determines the extent of your financial contribution to the care costs.

First Steps to Taking Council Funding

Start by contacting the Kensington and Chelsea Council to request a needs assessment. It's a good idea to gather essential details about the person needing care, including information about their health, daily tasks they struggle with, and any existing care they receive. Remember, council funding can take a few weeks to get in place, so starting early is vital.

NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC)

For those with complex health needs, the North West London integrated commissioning board (ICB) can provide NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC).

How NHS Continuing Healthcare Works

NHS CHC is a package of care arranged and funded solely by the health service for individuals outside of hospital who have ongoing healthcare needs. It's applicable to a wide range of health conditions and can cover costs for services such as live-in care, hourly care, or respite care, which can be obtained from providers like PrimeCarers.

First, an initial checklist assessment determines your eligibility for a full assessment. If eligible, a multidisciplinary team will carry out a full assessment using a Decision Support Tool (DST) which looks at 12 'care domains'.

First Steps to Taking NHS CHC

You can start by talking to your GP or social worker if you’re already getting care services. They can complete the initial checklist assessment. If you’re new to requesting care services, you can contact the Integrated Commissioning Board directly for your assessment.

Private Funding

Private funding is another source to consider for home care services. You can look for the types of home care available in Kensington and Chelsea, match them with the specific needs and budget, and pay directly for the services.

How Private Funding Works

Private or self-funding involves paying for care services out-of-pocket or through personal insurance schemes without the involvement of local authorities or NHS CHC. Costs can vary based on the type of care required, the care provider chosen, and the region you live in.

First Steps to Taking Private Funding

Private funding begins with finding a reliable caregiver or agency. A good starting point is looking at listings of vetted home carers in Kensington and Chelsea on platforms like PrimeCarers. It's crucial to understand the cost of home care before making a decision, so transparency in pricing is key.

The care-seeking journey can feel overwhelming, but hopefully, this guide offers some clarity on how to fund home care in Kensington and Chelsea. England's health and social care systems are designed to ensure that everyone's care needs can be met in a way that is sensitive to the individual's circumstances. Whether through the local council, NHS continuing healthcare, or self-funding, know that help is available to assist your family along the journey.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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