Funding Home Care in Kent

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Funding Home Care in Kent

Funding home care in Kent can be achieved through several primary sources including council funding, NHS continuing care, and private funding.

Home Care in Kent
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Council Funding in Kent

Council funding is one major way citizens pay for home care in Kent. The Kent local authority supports those with care and support needs through financial assistance.

Understanding Council Funding

Council funding refers to financial aid provided by the local government to those who require care services but cannot afford them on their own. To be eligible for council funding for home care, the individual should have a substantial requirement for care and support, and lack the means to pay for these services.

Accessing Council Funding

Accessing council funding begins with a thorough assessment of your care and support needs. This assessment is provided by the Kent local authority's adult social services department, which evaluates the degree of assistance you require with daily tasks.

Visit the Kent Council's official website for more information on how to apply for an assessment. After this evaluation, if your needs align with the local authority's criteria for home care assistance, you will be entitled to council funding. This funding may cover the entire cost of your home care, or only a portion, based on your income and savings.

NHS Continuing Care in Kent

The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK provides the NHS continuing care package for those with significant health needs.

Understanding NHS Continuing Care

NHS continuing care, also known as NHS continuing healthcare, is a funding programme that fully covers the costs of home care for people with long-term, complex health needs. This package is not means-tested, which means it's available regardless of the individual's income or savings.

Accessing NHS Continuing Care

To access NHS continuing care, you first undergo an initial assessment to determine whether you could be eligible. This process may include professionals such as nurses, doctors, and other healthcare staff, who will use a tool known as the "Decision Support Tool".

If the initial assessment concludes that you may be eligible, the Kent ICB will carry out a full assessment. Visit the Kent and Medway integrated commissioning board's official website for more information on how to apply for continuing healthcare.

If you are deemed eligible, the NHS will pay for your care in full. Remember that this also includes the cost of the care you receive in your own home through services available in Kent, from a carer or through care agencies.

Private Funding in Kent

Many opt to fund home care privately. Private funding can be a suitable option in Kent, depending upon individual circumstances.

Understanding Private Funding

Private funding means personally financing your home care costs. It includes using personal income, savings, or assets to cover the expenses.

Opting for Private Funding

To opt for private funding, consider the cost of home care services in Kent. Ensure you have the means to cater to these costs in the long term, as home care is typically an ongoing expense.

For some, it may make sense to cover the costs of hourly care, respite care, or live-in care out of pocket, especially when you have sufficient personal resources. Some may also find this a more comfortable option as it offers more control over the selection of services and less dependence on assessments or eligibility criteria. If you are contemplating self-funding, you can find a helpful overview in the complete guide to self-funding care.

Picking the Best Home Carers

No matter how you decide to fund your home care, choosing an excellent care service is paramount. It's crucial to select highly qualified, reliable carers, ensuring optimal care. You can check out the top-rated Home Carers in Kent for experienced professionals.


Funding home care doesn't always have to be daunting. By exploring your options around council funding, NHS continuing care, and private funding, and understanding the respective processes, you can secure excellent care for you or your loved ones in Kent. For a comprehensive look at the home care landscape, consider this Complete Guide to Home Care. Ultimately, what matters most is ensuring your welfare and dignity, securing the best possible quality of life you can have.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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