Funding Home Care in Kingston upon Thames

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Funding Home Care in Kingston upon Thames

There are several options available for funding home care in Kingston upon Thames, namely, council funding, NHS continuing care, and private funding.

Home Care in Kingston upon Thames
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Council Funding

Local authorities in the UK have a duty to assess the care and support needs of individuals. In Kingston upon Thames, the local council can provide funding for care, subject to an assessment.

How it Works

When applying for council funding for home care, the council will conduct a means-tested financial assessment. This analysis will consider the individual's savings, assets, and income. The purpose is to determine how much the person can afford to contribute towards the cost of their care.

The amount you may have to pay towards your care can vary. However, everyone is entitled to some free advice and information to help them understand what their needs may be and what services are available locally.

First Steps

The first step towards applying for council funding is to contact the local authority. In this case, you should approach the Kingston upon Thames council. You can find more details and contact information on their website here.

NHS Continuing Healthcare

NHS Continuing Healthcare is a package of care arranged and funded by the NHS. This type of funding is given to individuals with long-term, complex health needs.

How it Works

NHS Continuing Healthcare is not means-tested and can be delivered in any setting outside a hospital. This includes in your own home or in a care home. Your care will be arranged by a health professional, and you will receive personal care such as help with bathing, dressing, laundry, meals, and medication.

However, being approved for this funding is not easy – the eligibility criteria are strict and based on an individual's healthcare needs.

First Steps

If you believe you may be eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare, the first step is to have an assessment. This process is usually conducted by a nurse, doctor, or other healthcare professional.

To start this process, you can contact the South West London integrated commissioning board at this link.

Private Funding

Private funding is another option for individuals who can afford to pay for their care. While this can be a more expensive option, it also provides the greatest flexibility in terms of choosing where and how you want to receive your care.

How it Works

Private funding involves using personal finances to cover the cost of care services. Factors such as your lifestyle, the level of care you need, and local costs, will determine how much you spend on home care.

First Steps

The first step in deciding if private funding is for you is to seek professional financial advice. Furthermore, getting an idea on the cost of home care in Kingston upon Way upon Thames here can be invaluable in preparing for private funding.

Types of Home Care

Remember, when it comes to home care, there are several options available to you. This includes live-in care for continuous support, hourly care for those who need help for just a few hours a day, and respite care for short-term breaks.

You can find the best home carers in Kingston upon Thames here.

Always remember, funding for home care can offer you the support you need to maintain your independence and quality of life. Explore all your options and take the necessary steps towards securing the right funding for your home care needs.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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