Funding Home Care in Merseyside

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Funding Home Care in Merseyside

Funding home care in Merseyside can be achieved through council funding, NHS continuing care, and private funding.

Home Care in Merseyside
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Understanding Home Care

It's essential to first understand the different types of home care available before diving into the funding. Home care in Merseyside caters to a variety of needs, offering some excellent care options.

Live-in care, hourly care, or respite care are the primary types of care available. You can explore these options further at the Types of Home Care Available in Merseyside page on PrimeCarers' website.

While deciding the type of care that suits your needs or those of your loved ones, the next big question arises: how to fund it?

Funding Home Care

There are several means to fund home care in Merseyside. The three primary sources, as mentioned earlier, are council funding, NHS continuing care, and private funding.

Council Funding

Under certain conditions, the Merseyside local authority may provide funding for home care. To benefit from council funding, an assessment by a social worker is mandatory to determine if you're eligible.

The Merseyside local authority runs a financial assessment on your capital, which includes savings and property, to establish if you qualify for council-supported funding. The goal of the evaluation is to decide how much you can afford to contribute to your home care costs.

However, it is important to remember that the assessment does not look solely at your financial circumstances. The social care needs of an individual are paramount in determining whether support is provided. Learn more about council funding on the Local Authority Funding page.

While council funding can be helpful, it may not cover the full cost of care, in which case you may need to look at the other funding options available.

For more information on council funding in Merseyside, visit Merseyside's council website.

NHS Continuing Care

If the individual requiring care has severe health needs, they could be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare. This type of funding is arranged and funded entirely by the National Health Service.

To qualify for this type of funding, an assessment will be carried out by the integrated commissioning board (ICB). This board replaced the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), and it is their job to assess if a patient's condition categorises them as having a 'primary health need'. If this is the case, the healthcare becomes the responsibility of the NHS rather than the local authority.

Please visit the Cheshire and Merseyside integrated commissioning board's website to know more about NHS continuing care.

This can be a complex process, and understanding NHS continuing health care can be challenging. You may wish to check the NHS Continuing Healthcare Guide for comprehensive insight.

Private Funding

If you do not meet the criteria for council or NHS funding, another option to consider is private funding.

Funds can come from personal savings, retirement pensions, selling assets, or even equity release from your property. This provides you with the freedom to choose any home care service you wish.

While this process provides flexibility, it can be costly in the long run. It is therefore important to appropriately plan your care to ensure adequate funding. You may find our Self-Funding Care Guide useful when considering this option.

First Steps to Take

Securing the right type of funding depends on specific circumstances. However, here are general steps to get started:

  1. Understand Your Needs: Evaluate what type of care you or your loved one needs. Is it live-in care, hourly care, or respite care? This decision can impact funding options.

  2. Consider an Assessment: Arrange a social care assessment with the local authority or a health assessment with the ICB. These assessments will help you determine if you are eligible for council or NHS funding.

  3. Financial Evaluation: Know your financial status. Understanding your current financial position will determine your eligibility for council funding and the amount you can contribute yourself.


Planning for home care is not only about choosing the type of care; it also involves how to finance it. Though it might seem overwhelming, considering these funding options can help you make the best decision for you or your loved one.

For those within Merseyside, knowing that there are supportive resources available can help lessen any worries about the cost of home care. For more advice on home care, the Complete Guide to Home Care offers additional information.

Remember that each person's situation is unique, and there are professionals to help guide you in your journey to find the best funding solution that suits your needs. PrimeCarers is here to provide guidance at each step.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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