Funding Home Care in Milton Keynes

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Funding Home Care in Milton Keynes

Funding home care involves accessing a variety of resources, including council support, NHS continuing healthcare, and private funding options.

Home Care in Milton Keynes
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Council Funding: The First Step

In Milton Keynes, the local authority can provide funding support for your home care. Your first step towards seeking council funding begins with a financial assessment and personal budget plan from Milton Keynes Council.

Understanding the Financial Assessment

Your ability to access council funding hinges on the results of a financial assessment that factors in your income, savings, and expenditures. The amount of funding you can receive depends on your weekly income and the type of care you require.

Eligibility Criteria for Council Funding

To qualify for council funding in Milton Keynes, you must:

  • be over 18 years old,
  • have a physical or mental need for care and support,
  • live in Milton Keynes, and
  • have savings of less than £23,250.

If your financial assessment determines that you need to contribute towards your care costs, you can access the Direct Payment Scheme. This enables you to pay for your care services directly, giving you more control over your care and support.

Exploring NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC)

If you’re dealing with a long-term health problem, NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) may be an option. Milton Keynes, along with Bedfordshire and Luton, is part of an Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB) which oversees CHC assessments.

Eligibility for CHC

To qualify for CHC, you must:

  • have a significant and ongoing health condition,
  • need help with personal care, and
  • have a need for care beyond what the NHS, social services, or informal carers can provide.

CHC Assessment Process

Your first step is to have a CHC Checklist Assessment conducted by a nurse, doctor, or social worker. If you’re eligible based on this preliminary test, a more detailed Full Assessment will then be undertaken.

The Impact of CHC on Home Care

CHC funding will cover the cost of your healthcare and social care needs, and it's worth noting that your needs are assessed, not your income or savings. This makes it a valuable resource when considering home care, whether hourly care, live-in care, or respite care.

Private Funding Options

If you don't qualify for council funding or CHC, private funding may be your best option. This could mean using your savings or assets, or considering equity release from your property.

Self-funding and Its Implications

Self-funding means you pay for your care without help from the council or NHS. However, if your savings fall below £23,250, you can ask the council to conduct a financial assessment to evaluate if you're eligible for funding support.

Equity Release Schemes

Homeowners may consider releasing equity from their home to fund their care. An equity release scheme allows you to access the money tied up in your property without needing to sell or move out.

Insurance Policies

Some insurance companies offer care funding products or care annuities that provide regular income to pay for your care. These policies can provide peace of mind, but it’s a good idea to seek financial advice before committing to these products.

In conclusion, whether you choose council funding, NHS Continuing Healthcare, or self-funding, understanding and exploring your options is key to making informed decisions and ensuring you have the home care you need - be it hourly, live-in, or respite care. Use resources like the local council, the NHS website, and helpful guides such as PrimeCarers' Complete Guide to Home Care, to make an informed choice about your care options in Milton Keynes.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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