Funding Live-in Care in Durham

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Funding Live-in Care in Durham

One of the main concerns when considering live-in care for your loved ones is the cost. Live-in care is an important service that ensures a good quality of life for the elderly or people with specific health conditions. However, funding this service can appear daunting. This article breaks down the primary methods to fund live-in care in Durham, shedding light on council funding, NHS Continuing Health Care, and private funding. By understanding these options, you can make a well-informed decision about the best care funding for your loved ones.

Live-in Care in Durham
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Funding from Durham Local Authority

The local authority can be an essential source of funding for live-in care. To access this funding, the Durham local authority first needs to carry out a care needs assessment. This assessment evaluates the type and level of care required. If it considers that care is necessary, it will then assess the individual's financial status.

Understanding the Means Testing Process

Durham local authority operates a means-tested system. This testing evaluates an individual's income and savings to determine how much they should contribute towards their care. It considers factors like income from pensions, certain benefits, and savings over a certain amount. The value of the individual's home, however, is not considered unless they live alone or with a dependent.

The results of these assessments determine how much the local authority will contribute to the cost of care. You can find more specific details of this process on the Durham local authority website.

Getting Started with Local Authority Funding

Your first step to accessing local authority funding is to get in touch with the Durham County Council's social services department. They will arrange to carry out a care needs assessment and a financial assessment. If eligible for funding, they will provide a care and support plan outlining the services to receive.

NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC)

Alternative to local authority care funding, NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) funding is another viable option for individuals with severe health issues. It's necessary to understand how this type of funding operates and how you can access it before proceeding.

Understanding NHS CHC

Unlike local authority funding, the NHS CHC is not means-tested and focuses entirely on the health needs of the individual. It's a package of ongoing care for individuals with significant healthcare needs outside of the hospital setting. These needs are often complex, and the care required must be in place regularly.

Accessing NHS CHC

The first step to accessing NHS funding is having a health needs assessment. The assessment is organized by a nurse, doctor, other healthcare professional, or social worker. If the assessment indicates potential eligibility, a more comprehensive assessment will follow.

ICBs or Integrated Commissioning Boards, which Durham is a part of, implement these assessments. Detailed information on Health Boards and NHS continuing healthcare assessments can be assessed on the Durham Integrated Commissioning Board website.

Private Funding

Private funding can be a suitable option if the individual is not eligible for the council or NHS CHC funding. Let us understand how this works in detail.

Understanding Private Funding

Private funding for live-in care refers to individuals or their families financing the cost of their care independently. This care can be purchased from a private care provider such as Prime Carers. Factors like the level of care needed, the individual’s preference, and financial commitments will determine the cost. Detailed information on the cost of live-in care in Durham can be found online.

Accessing Private Funding

Private funding means the individual or their family is responsible for sourcing and managing the funding. This funding can come from personal savings, pension income, or the sale of assets. It's recommended to consult a financial advisor to explore all available options before making a decision.

Whether you're looking for council funding, NHS CHC, or considering private funding, it's crucial to understand the options and make an informed decision. The perfect care solution for your loved ones is one that meets their needs, respects their choices, and suits their financial circumstances. This guide should help you get started on your journey to funding live-in care in Durham for your loved ones.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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