Funding Live-in Care in Gloucestershire

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Funding Live-in Care in Gloucestershire

Funding live-in care is not often straightforward, but it is crucial to ensure the vitality and quality of life for our loved ones. For those based in Gloucestershire, this guide demystifies the process by exploring the funding sources for live-in care. First, let's address council funding, NHS continuing care and private funding, and dive deeper into each of these avenues.

Live-in Care in Gloucestershire
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Council Funding

An excellent starting point is Gloucestershire local authority. The local authority recommendation considers your income and savings and can provide financial support if your funds do not meet their thresholds.

How Does Council Funding Work?

An assessment of an individual's needs, often known as a 'care needs assessment,' forms the basis of the funding decision. Trained professionals conduct this evaluation. If your needs match the council's criteria, they conduct another evaluation to determine your financial means.

It is crucial to emphasise that the council considers both your income and your capital. For instance, savings and investments plus the value of properties you might own (except your home if a partner or dependent still lives there).

You are eligible for funding if your savings and assets fall below £23,250. If you have capital between £14,250 and £23,250, you’ll contribute towards the cost of your care. However, you have to bear the costs if your capital exceeds £23,250.

What Should You Do to Get Started with Council Funding?

First, arrange for a care needs assessment as soon as possible, as this process can take time. You can do this by contacting the council or your local health and social care trust directly. Remember, everyone is entitled to this assessment, irrespective of their financial condition.

For more information on how this funding method works, you may refer to the complete guide to local authority funding.

NHS Continuing Healthcare

A comprehensive, fully-funded health package, NHS Continuing Healthcare, is another avenue to explore if you meet the criteria. Gloucestershire is part of the Gloucestershire integrated commissioning board, which assesses the patient's needs for ongoing care.

How Does NHS Continuing Healthcare Work?

The NHS Continuing Healthcare covers 100% of care costs for people who have complex, long-term health needs. However, decisions are based upon health needs rather than a specific diagnosis.

To qualify, you must undertake an initial checklist assessment. If your needs showcase a certain severity level across various domains like mobility, behaviour, and cognition, you will undergo a full assessment by a multidisciplinary team.

What Should You Do to Get Started with NHS Continuing Healthcare?

Firstly reach out to your GP, social worker, or health care professional to initiate the checklist assessment. You can prepare by considering your care needs and documenting your health condition. For comprehensive guidance, check out the complete guide to NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Remember, the Gloucestershire integrated commissioning board's website provides substantial support and resources for this type of funding.

Private Funding

If the previous options do not fit your circumstance, private funding is another pathway worth considering. While private funding for live-in care does require a significant financial commitment, it often means that you can tailor the care to your specific requirements.

How Does Private Funding Work?

With private funding, you use your resources to pay for your care. This funding source allows you a large amount of flexibility. The individual or their family often performs a care needs assessment, researching the best arrangements to suit their unique situation.

What Should You Do to Get Started with Private Funding?

The first step is to understand the extent of your care needs and the costs associated with meeting these needs. You could refer to the guide to self-funding care as well as use our guide on the cost of live-in care in Gloucestershire to gauge a realistic figure. Also, it is beneficial to consult financial advisors specialized in elder care and care funding to make the most of your resources.


Establishing the appropriate funding for live-in care is as important as finding the right caregiver. The Gloucestershire region offers several means to fund care. It’s worth considering the different options and taking the first step towards the type of funding that suits your circumstance. If you need to hire a carer, consult our guide on finding the best live-in carers in Gloucestershire.

Indeed, sorting out funding can be stressful, but remember that several people and organizations are there to help, not least your local council and the NHS. You are not alone in this journey. The most important thing is to ensure that you or your loved one get the care you need, when you need it.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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