Funding Live-in Care in Merseyside

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Funding Live-in Care in Merseyside

It's not uncommon for our loved ones to require additional support and care as they age. Deciding on the best care options can be a taxing process, none more so than when you realise that live-in care is the most suitable option. How to fund this care in Merseyside, the cherry on top of an already stressful time.

But with this guide, we aim to ease your worries as we break down sources of funding for home care you may tap into: council funding, the NHS Continuing Healthcare, and private funding.

Live-in Care in Merseyside
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Council Funding

The first type of funding you may consider is available through the local council. But does the Merseyside local authority fund live-in care? Are there specific criteria you must meet to qualify? We seek to break down these details to enable you to understand the steps you need to take this route.

Eligibility for Council Funding

The Council's social services department undertakes an assessment of care needs to determine whether your loved one qualifies for financial assistance. This process includes determining the physical, mental and social care needs of the individual. If the Council decides that the person’s care needs justify funding, they will perform a means-test to determine the financial contribution, if any, by the person receiving care.

Council Funding Payment and Charges

After assessing the financial situation, the council decides the level of financial support to provide for the care needed. The Merseyside local authority provides information on their website regarding such payments and charges and how they determine them.

It's crucial to understand that council funding may not cover all care costs. These would need to be topped up, commonly through personal finance or private spending.

NHS Continuing Healthcare

Another avenue to explore for financial aid is the NHS Continuing Healthcare. This refers to a programme where the NHS funds the full cost of care for individuals who have significant, ongoing healthcare needs.

Eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare

The process for this type of funding begins with a checklist assessment to determine if a full assessment is necessary. If a person continues from this stage, the NHS will execute a thorough assessment of an individual's physical, mental and psychological health. These assessments are captured through a Decision Support Tool (DST).

Funding NHS Continuing Healthcare

Given that Merseyside is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside integrated commissioning board, they are responsible for assessing patients' eligibility for the NHS continuing healthcare. Lucid information can be found on their website.

The NHS covers all the costs involved in live-in care under its continuing healthcare programme once a patient qualifies. But if one doesn’t meet the criteria, there are other NHS-funded nursing care options to consider.

Private Funding

For some, neither council funding nor NHS continuing healthcare may cover their care costs fully. For those falling into this category, the option to explore would be private funding.

Aspects of Private Funding

Private funding involves paying for care out of your pocket. This can imply using savings, retirement pensions, or selling assets to cover costs. Also, it may require getting a life insurance policy that can cover care costs or even considering equity release schemes.

Private funding gives you greater freedom in choosing the type of care you wish for your loved one, as well as the care provider. However, the responsibility to cover all direct and hidden costs falls solely on you.

To get further insights into how you can navigate private funding, consider reading the complete guide to self-funding care that takes you through all you need to know in easy steps.


Deciding to get live-in care for a loved one can be emotionally strenuous. But with a better understanding of available live-in care funding options, it should ease the stress levels, allowing you to focus more on securing the best possible care for your loved ones.

Whether it be tapping into the financial provision of council funding, considering the means available through the NHS continuing healthcare scheme, or opting for private funding, understanding what each entails provides peace of mind and clarity.

Notwithstanding, the costs for live-in care in Merseyside can be explored here. In the interim, for most suitable live-in carers around Merseyside, consider Prime Carers.

The journey to securing proper live-in care for a loved one takes time and patience. Educating yourself about the whole process is essential, and hopefully, the information imparted in this article brings you closer to simplifying that journey.

Though challenging, be assured that by applying the right information and taking considered steps, you will secure the best care your loved ones deserve, no matter the constraints.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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