Funding Live-in Care in Merton

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Funding Live-in Care in Merton

Choosing the right care for you or a loved one is a personal decision. It requires attention to detail and knowledge of your options. One aspect of this decision that often confounds people is how to fund live-in care. This is precisely what we shall explore in this guide.

Live-in Care in Merton
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Understanding the Cost of Live-In Care

Before exploring the ways to fund live-in care in Merton, it is crucial to understand the cost of live-in care. It can be quite disconcerting to comprehend the nuances of financing care home stay, but with appropriate guidance, you can navigate the waters. If you want detailed insights about the costs, consider our article on the Cost of Live-in Care in Merton.

Funding Options for Live-In Care

Funding for live-in care falls in three primary categories: council funding, NHS continuing care, and private funding. Let's delve into the specifics of these options.

Local Authority Funding

The Merton local authority offers financial assistance to residents who require care but might not have the financial capability to afford it. This funding is determined by a financial assessment process termed 'charging' or 'means test'. To understand the criteria and qualifications in detail, visit their website.

The first step: Contacting the Local Authority

Initiating the process of securing local authority funding is as simple as contacting them either online, by phone or in-person. They would then perform an assessment to determine your care needs. If you qualify, a means test is conducted to ascertain your financial conditions.

How it works

Should you qualify for local authority funding, you might be eligible for a personal budget which you can either manage yourself (Direct Payment) or let the authority control (Council-arranged Care). A noteworthy point is that you will still be expected to contribute towards the cost of your care—the extent of this depends on your financial status. Contacting the local authority should provide more clarity on this.

NHS Continuing Healthcare

Another funding method available to those needing live-in care, but without the financial means to finance it privately, is the NHS Continuing Healthcare— a package of care provided outside the hospital arranged and funded wholly by the NHS. This approach could be beneficial if you have long-term complex health needs. For extensive understanding on this, consider reading our Complete Guide to NHS Continuing Healthcare.

The first step: NHS Assessment

The most crucial aspect of NHS Continuing Healthcare is the assessment. The first tier is an initial screening performed by a healthcare professional— called a 'Checklist assessment'. If this screening implies that you might need NHS CHC, you will be forwarded for a full assessment which will be carried out by a team of two or more health or social care professionals who are already involved in your care. You can inform your GP, social worker, or other care provider if you believe you are eligible for this funding.

How it works

Once your eligibility is confirmed, the appropriate care and support will be arranged by the NHS. This package will meet your assessed health and associated care needs. It can take various forms, including services from health professionals or care services at home.

Remember, the South West London integrated commissioning board is responsible for care assessments instead of the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) of the past.

Private Funding

Let's discuss the more independent route—private funding. It involves the person requiring care, or their family, directly financing the care from their private resources. It's significant if you do not qualify for local authority or NHS funding, or you want to top up the funding you already receive. For a more comprehensive rundown, consider our Complete Guide to Self-Funding Care.

The first step: Planning for Care

This process starts with proper planning. You need to explore different sources of income, including retirement income, savings, investments, property sales, or equity release schemes. You may also want to contact an independent financial advisor specializing in long-term care for the best planning advice.

How it works

In privately funding your care, you would be responsible for engaging the care home or live-in carer directly. They would typically present a contract, outlining the nature, cost of services, the terms, and conditions of their engagement. While this method offers the most flexibility, it's important to be aware that care costs can be quite significant over time.

Choosing the Right Live-In Care

After understanding how to fund it, finding the right live-in care for yourself or your loved ones becomes your next mission. If you live in Merton, and you want the best care option available, visit our guide: Find Live-in Care in Merton.

You'll also want to ensure the quality of care. Therefore, consider exploring our post: Best Live-In Carers in Merton, to get an understanding of garnering quality service.

Lastly, navigating the world of live-in care can seem daunting, but you're not alone. Remember to seek guidance from professionals, ensure you understand the cost implications, your funding options, and that you're aware of all your possible avenues of care. For comprehensive guidance on the subject, consider our Complete Guide to Live-In Care.


Hopefully, this article provided a comprehensive understanding of how to finance live-in care in Merton. Whether it's through council funding, NHS continuing healthcare, or private funding, it's important to understand that there are options available to you.

Remember that while it may seem tough at first, with careful consideration and professional support, the process can be much more straightforward. Here’s to navigating the journey ahead with ease and assurance.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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