Funding Live-in Care in North Somerset

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Funding Live-in Care in North Somerset

Navigating through the complexities of funding a live-in care can be challenging. The process might seem intimidating, especially when trying to decipher it in your time of need. But don't worry – providing clarity to help people, like you, make informed choices about live-in care in North Somerset is the aim of this guide.

Live-in Care in North Somerset
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Understanding the Need for Live-in Care

Before delving into the funding methods, it's crucial to understand what exactly live-in care entails. Live-in care involves having a professional caregiver live in the home of the person needing care, ensuring they receive round-the-clock support right at their doorstep.

Council Funding for Live-in Care

In North Somerset, the local authority may be able to provide financial support for your live-in care needs. If the person requiring care has a financial assessment, sometimes referred to as a ‘means test,’ and is identified as unable to meet their care costs, the local authority can fund or partially fund their care.

Should you be eligible, this funding can be received either in the form of direct payments or as services provided by the council.

You can learn more about this type of funding via the North Somerset local authority website. A general guide on how to apply for council funding can also be found here.

Funding Through NHS Continuing Care

The NHS funds a programme known as the NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC). This is intended for adults who have particularly complex and severe long-term health needs. If you're eligible, NHS CHC can cover the full costs of your live-in care, including accommodation and healthcare provision.

Determining this funding need is usually carried out by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals assigned by the local Integrated Commissioning Board, replacing the former CCGs. The assessment process lays emphasis on understanding what kind of care is needed rather than on the specific illness or disease causing the care need.

For further understanding of NHS CHC in North Somerset and the details involving the application process, refer to the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Commissioning Board's page on NHS continuing healthcare. A complete guide to this funding type can also be perused here.

Self-Funding or Private Paying

Self-funding live-in care becomes necessary when the care seeker's financial situation disqualifies them from receiving council funding or NHS CHC. Also referred to as private paying, this funding option offers a greater level of flexibility and control over the received care types and the care provider selection.

The costs of live-in care in North Somerset, however, can seem daunting but understanding these charges and planning ahead can conveniently ease this concern. Here, the payer assumes total responsibility for their care fees, often using personal savings, pensions, or assets to cover the costs.

For more assistance and comprehensive guidance about self-funding care, you may visit this guide on self-funding care. It also essential to have a clear idea about the expected costs involved in live-in care, which can be researched using this reference.

Choosing the Right Carer

Funding is just one crucial aspect of live-in care; finding the right carer is as paramount. The right caregiver can make the entire experience pleasant and beneficial to the person in need, providing the help and emotional support that goes beyond the call of duty. You can browse a list of some of the best live-in carers in North Somerset here.


Determining how to fund live-in care might seem complicated at first, but with ample resources and guidance, it doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. Whether you qualify for local authority help, NHS CHC, or choose to self-fund, the options are wide-ranging. It's just a matter of understanding these channels and making the selection that suits your requirements best.

Bear in mind that every individual's circumstances are unique, and needs may vary; hence, what works for one may not work for another. With research and planning, combined with professional advice, you can make well-informed decisions, getting the best care according to your needs and preferences. Let's make a challenging journey a little easier for you and your loved ones.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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