Funding Live-in Care in Northamptonshire

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Funding Live-in Care in Northamptonshire

Live-in care can be a lifeline for those needing long-term, personalised support. It provides the assurance that care is on hand around the clock, while preserving in the comfort and familiarity of home. However, the question often arises; how do you fund live-in care? Let's discuss a few channels available for finding funding for live-in care within the boundaries of Northamptonshire.

Live-in Care in Northamptonshire
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Council Funding for Live-in Care

Council funding is the most common form of financial assistance when it comes to home-based care. The Northamptonshire local authority may be able to provide funding to those who require live-in care, but there are specific eligibility criteria to meet.

Who is Eligible for Council Funding?

Eligibility is based on an assessment of your financial situation and your care needs. The financial assessment (or means test) looks at your income, savings and assets to determine if you could afford to pay for your own care. If your capital is below £23,250, you may be eligible for funding. For more details, visit Northamptonshire local authority's website

First Steps to Accessing Council Funding

The first step is to arrange a needs assessment with your local authority. This is a free assessment, and there's no obligation to take any services offered afterwards. This process identifies what care and support you need, and the best ways to provide it. The outcome will be a care plan, which outlines your needs, how they will be met, and importantly, how they will be funded.

NHS Continuing Healthcare

NHS Continuing Healthcare funding covers the total cost of care for people with severe or complex health needs. It pays for full-time care at home or in a care home. However, securing this funding can be a daunting and complex process.

Who is eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare?

This type of funding is needs-based, not income-based, so it doesn't matter what your income is or what assets you have. Instead, eligibility is determined by a health needs assessment carried out by a team of healthcare professionals.

Steps to Access NHS Continuing Healthcare

This usually starts with an initial checklist assessment, which if positive, leads to a full assessment of eligibility. The full assessment uses a tool called a Decision Support Tool (DST) which looks at 12 care domains. If it is decided that your needs are beyond what your local authority can provide, then you will access the NHS Continuing Healthcare. For more details visit Northamptonshire Integrated Commissioning Board's website.

Private Paying for Live-in Care

Private paying is another route and is often termed as 'self-funding'. This is where individuals or their families fund the cost of live-in care themselves.

Factors Influencing Private Paying

The cost of live-in care varies by region, complexity of care needed and the agency providing the service. Here's a link to understand the cost of Live-in Care in Northamptonshire.

Steps to Access Private Paying

The first step will be to assess your care needs or that of your loved one. A medical professional or a social worker can help with this. After the assessment, you can then contact a reputable care agency like PrimeCarers to find appropriate carers. Here is a list of some of the best Live-in Carers in Northamptonshire.

It is clear there are multiple sources of funding for live-in care in Northamptonshire. The relevant funding channels; whether it is council funding, NHS continuing healthcare or private funding, depends on individual care needs, health situation and finance. These sources are not mutually exclusive and it's important to explore every channel available to optimise your care funding package.

To learn more about the different options, you may wish to read our complete guides to Live-in Care, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Local Authority Funding and Self-Funding Care. What’s most important is that you have the right information to make a well-informed decision.

While funding live-in care might seem daunting, it’s clear that there are numerous resources and supports available for you in Northamptonshire. We hope this guide will be useful as you chart the course on this journey towards arranging the best possible care solution for you or your loved one.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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