Funding Live-in Care in Peterborough

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Funding Live-in Care in Peterborough

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Live-in care provides round-the-clock assurance for those who need it, offering personalised care tailored to the needs of the individual, whether that’s practical or emotional support. But how does one fund such care, especially in places like Peterborough? In this article, we breakdown the primary sources of funding for live-in care and how you can apply for each of them.

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Local Authority Funded Care

The Peterborough local authority endeavours to ensure that individuals who require care can receive it without financial hardship. If you are living in Peterborough and have assessed care needs, you may be entitled to financial assistance from the local authority.

Firstly, a care needs assessment must be performed to evaluate what type of care the individual needs. Following this, a financial assessment, or means test, is organised to determine how much, if any, the person requiring care can contribute towards their support.

In broad terms, if you have less than £23,250 in savings, you might be eligible for funding. However, how much you pay towards your care – if anything – depends on your income and savings. It's important to note that the valuation of your property will usually not be used if you're arranging home care or if others, such as a spouse, still live there.

For more information and to start the process, visit the Peterborough local authority website here.

Read our complete guide to Local Authority Funding for more detailed information.

NHS Continuing Healthcare

NHS continuing healthcare is a package of ongoing care arranged and funded solely by the NHS for individuals not in hospital but with complex ongoing healthcare needs. Here, the NHS pays 100% of your care costs, which includes healthcare and personal care, and can be provided in any setting, including in your own home.

Before you can receive NHS continuing healthcare, your eligibility needs to be assessed and confirmed by a team of healthcare professionals (a multidisciplinary team). Firstly, an initial checklist is completed to see if you qualify for a full assessment.

Peterborough is part of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Commissioning Board, which oversees this process. The board replaced Clinical Commissioning Groups and is now in charge of assessing patients' needs for ongoing care.

For further details on NHS continuing healthcare, visit the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough integrated commissioning board website here.

Use our comprehensive guide on NHS Continuing Healthcare for more in-depth information.

Private Funding

In some cases, you might need to finance your own care. This can be daunting and, in the case of live-in care, potentially expensive, but it does provide increased flexibility and control over who delivers your care and how.

Private funding, or self-funding, becomes necessary if your savings and assets exceed the means-test threshold or if your care needs aren't deemed critical enough by your local council. Be aware that self-funding can rapidly deplete savings, especially for long-term conditions.

It’s advised to involve a specialist care financial adviser if choosing to self-fund your care. They can guide you through the various options such as using ISAs, pensions, annuities, or equity release schemes, while evaluating the potential tax implications of each choice.

Further details about the ins and outs of self-funding can be found in our complete guide to Self-Funding Care.


No one funding source will be best for everyone. Individual circumstances play a significant role in determining which avenue is best suited. Therefore, understanding the costs for live-in care in Peterborough and the different funding sources available is essential.

We at PrimeCarers are here to help on your journey to finding suitable care and navigating the funding landscape. Visit PrimeCarers here to understand how we can provide a comfortable, caring environment for those needing live-in care. And for even more help, review our complete guide to live-in care.

Remember, though the process may seem daunting, you don't have to endure it alone. Organisations such as your local council, NHS, and private bodies are there to help ease the process, ensuring those needing care can receive the support they require with dignity and grace.

Article Sources:

  1. Peterborough Local Authority
  2. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Commissioning Board
  3. Cost of Live-in Care in Peterborough
  4. Best Live-in Carers in Peterborough
  5. Complete Guide to Live-in Care
  6. Complete Guide to NHS Continuing Healthcare
  7. Complete Guide to Local Authority Funding
  8. Complete Guide to Self-Funding Care
  9. Find Live-in Care in Peterborough

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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