Funding Live-in Care in Plymouth

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Funding Live-in Care in Plymouth

Live-in Care in Plymouth
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No one can predict when a loved one might need care at home. Whether it's due to ageing, a disability, or a chronic illness, one thing is certain, finding the funding for live-in care can feel like an unimaginably vast hurdle to overcome. But the government, local authorities, and certain health bodies offer various financial assistance options. This guide focuses on the main sources of funding available for live-in care in Plymouth, including council funding, NHS continuing care, and private funding.

The Basics of Funding Live-in Care

Before delving into the specifics, it's essential to know that the funding process begins with a needs assessment by the local authority or the Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB). In Plymouth, the local authority, which you can find at this link, carries out an assessment to determine a person's support needs, the kind of care required, and the potential eligibility for financial assistance.

Council Funding

Understanding Council Funding

Council funding comes from the Local Authority. If a person needing care has less than £23,250 in savings, they may be eligible for support. This means that the local council pays part of their care costs, with the individual making up the balance.

How to Secure Council Funding

The first step to securing council funding is to contact the local council for a care needs assessment. Next, the council performs a financial assessment (also known as a means test) to determine how much the individual can pay towards their own care. The council takes into consideration the value of a person's income and assets, barring some exceptions (such as the value of their home if a partner still lives there).

Plymouth City Council and Funding

In Plymouth, the local authority here is committed to providing high-quality adult social care and support services that safeguard, protect and promote the rights and welfare of individuals. They consider each person's circumstances individually and ensure that the person's dignity and independence are upheld.

NHS Continuing Healthcare

Understanding NHS Continuing Healthcare

NHS Continuing Health Care is a free package of care for people with severe and complex health needs. The Devon Integrated Commissioning Board organises funding through a national NHS scheme. The care package is entirely funded by the NHS – distinguishing it from local authority funding that requires means-testing and partial self-funding.

How to Secure NHS Continuing Healthcare

Securing NHS Continuing Healthcare starts with a screening process using a checklist. If the individual meets the criteria, they proceed to a full assessment conducted by a team of health and social care professionals. This full assessment reviews the individual's care needs using a decision support tool.

Role of Devon Integrated Commissioning Board

As part of the Devon Integrated Commissioning Board, Plymouth follows the national framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care. This framework provides a decision-making process for determining whether individuals qualify for NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Private Funding

Understanding Private Funding

If you do not qualify for any financial support from the government or other bodies, or if you simply wish to top up your care, you will need to fund the care yourself - this is often referred to as Self-Funding. Our complete guide to self-funding offers more information.

How to Provide Private Funding

With private funding, you're essentially free to arrange your care independently. You can tailor your care to your specific requirements, including looking for the best live-in carers and comparing costs in Plymouth.

Concluding Remarks

Funding live-in care in Plymouth involves navigating different options, each with its considerations and requirements. It can feel like a daunting task, but with the right information and help at hand, it's manageable and achievable. By understanding your choices, exploring local resources like Plymouth City Council and the Devon Integrated Commissioning Board, and taking necessary steps, you can secure suitable care funding. Remember, professional advice from a care advisor can make this process less overwhelming and more fruitful in the long run.

No matter the funding route you take, our complete guide to live-in care offers you a comprehensive source of information on arranging and managing care at home, so you're never alone. In the grand scheme of life, the provision of loving, attentive and quality care for your loved one is what truly matters.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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