Funding Live-in Care in Southend-on-Sea

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Funding Live-in Care in Southend-on-Sea

Navigating the complex world of care funding can be a challenging task. The good news is that there are numerous resources available to support those seeking live-in care in the beautiful seaside town of Southend-on-Sea. This article aims to break down the primary sources of live-in care funding, including council funding, NHS continuing care, and private funding.

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Council Funding

Southend-on-Sea’s local authority offers several options for helping with the financial cost of care.

According to the Southend-on-Sea Council, you would typically qualify for council funding if your capital - this includes savings and certain types of property - is £23,250 or less. If it's over this amount, you'll be expected to pay for your own care. However, if it's less, you may qualify for financial support. But the exact amount will depend on a means test evaluation conducted by the council.

The first step in seeking out council funding is to arrange a care needs assessment with the Southend-on-Sea local authority. This assessment is key to understanding what level of care is needed and whether you are eligible for financial assistance.

NHS Continuing Healthcare: Your Health Simplified

Next on the list is NHS Continuing Healthcare. In Southend-on-Sea, the Suffolk and North East Essex integrated commissioning board (ICB) handles this part of healthcare. It's important to understand that NHS Continuing Healthcare is a full package of ongoing care arranged and funded solely by the healthcare service for those aged 18 or over who have been assessed as having a 'primary health need’.

Keep in mind that being eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare can be difficult, as it requires demonstrating that your primary need for care is health-related. This process starts with a screening tool called the Checklist Assessment. If you are deemed potentially eligible after this initial step, you will then proceed to a full-blown multidisciplinary assessment to finally determine eligibility.

Remember, free NHS Continuing Healthcare is not dependent on any particular disease, diagnosis, or condition. Rather, eligibility is assessed based on the nature, complexity, intensity and unpredictability of the individual’s healthcare needs. For a deep dive into the process, we recommend reading through our Complete Guide to NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Private Funding

Sometimes, you may find that council funding or NHS continuing healthcare does not apply to your situation. In such cases, private funding, also referred to as self-funding, may be a suitable option.

In the broadest of terms, self-funding means using personal resources (usually money) to pay for care without assistance from the local council or the NHS. While this can feel daunting, there are in fact ways to make it more manageable.

This could range from simply saving money over a long period of time, to investing in savings plans or insurance policies specifically designed to pay out when care is needed.

Moreover, equity release schemes might be a viable option for homeowners. These schemes allow you to access the money tied up in your home without needing to move out. However, this is a major decision and it's vital to get professional advice before going ahead.

For those who need to self-fund their care, planning and financial management suddenly become prime concerns. Going through our Complete Guide to Self-Funding Care will provide you with the practical guidance needed.

Remember, every individual’s financial situation and care requirements are unique. Therefore, funding care should be considered on an individual basis.

Finding a Live-in Care Provider in Southend-on-Sea

Once you've figured out your funding options, the next step is to find the right live-in care provider in Southend-on-Sea. The Prime Carers Live-in Care search allows you to find local, vetted carers who are perfectly matched to your needs.


While the journey to find and fund suitable live-in care can be a complex one, understanding your funding options is the first step towards making an informed decision. The Southend-on-Sea local authority, NHS continuing healthcare through the Suffolk and North East Essex integrated commissioning board, and private funding are all viable options that may be able to help support you in getting the care you deserve. Whether you are beginning your journey or are in the midst of navigating the labyrinth, remember to lean on the resources available and seek help when needed. You do not have to do this alone.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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