Funding Live-in Care in Torbay

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Funding Live-in Care in Torbay

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It's a fact of life that as we age, we may need additional help to maintain a good quality of life. Live-in care is a compassionate and practical solution that ensures an individual's precise needs and comforts are attended to, right from the heart of their home. Torbay, known for its rich culture and scenic beauty, is home to many elders who wish to continue living in their cherished homes while receiving the support they need. However, finding the means to pay for live-in care can often seem daunting.

Live-in Care in Torbay
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In this article, we will explore the various funding avenues available for live-in care within the Torbay region of Devon, including council funding, NHS (National Health Service) continuing care, and private funding.

Council Funding for Live-in Care

Council funding can be an invaluable resource for those in need of care, supplied by the Torbay local authority.

To qualify, initial needs and financial assessments are conducted to gauge the level of care you need and how much you can afford to contribute. The local authority then uses this data to determine the amount of funding you will receive.

Before receiving an assessment, it's recommended to research services offered in your community, and the potential cost of live-in care in Torbay. A variety of services, from meal preparation to medication management, may be available through licenced live-in carers.

Once you have been assessed and if you are eligible for funding, you may be offered a Personal Budget, which is an agreed amount of money to meet your specific needs. It's a flexible solution, ensuring you retain control over how care services are provided, as in this complete guide to Local Authority Funding.

NHS Continuing Healthcare

For individuals with complex health conditions that require ongoing care, NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is a useful funding source. NHS CHC covers the entire cost of home care, under certain eligibility criteria primarily based on the nature and severity of the health condition and the need for 'primary health need'.

Following an initial checklist assessment, a full assessment is then carried out. A multidisciplinary team evaluates the nature, complexity, unpredictability and intensity of the health needs to establish if you qualify for funding. This is managed now by Integrated Commissioning Boards (replacing the former Clinical Commissioning Groups), as detailed on the OneDevon health service website for Devon Integrated Commissioning Board.

The NHS CHC can offer a care package tailored to individual needs and circumstances. This could be through a care agency or a personal health budget that can be used to engage best live-in carers in Torbay. Further explanation on CHC and how it works is available in this complete guide to NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Private Funding for Live-in Care

For individuals who do not qualify for council funding or NHS CHC, private funding is an alternative. Self-funding care allows for maximum personal choice and flexibility on the type of care services you wish to receive without the constraints of eligibility assessments.

Private funding can be complex, with various aspects to consider. Factors such as savings, assets, income, and insurance all play a role in how much one can allocate for the care. With careful planning and professional financial advice focusing on care cost forecasting and asset management, self-funding may be a viable option for those not eligible for public funding. Read our complete guide to self-funding care for a comprehensive understanding of self-funding strategies.

Remember, finding and paying for live-in care is not only about striking an equilibrium between cost and quality of care but also about ensuring that the care is facilitated with the utmost respect and dignity to the person receiving it. At PrimeCarers, we help you navigate through the complexities of finding a reliable, cost-effective Live-in Care in Torbay.


Given the three primary routes to funding, it's clear that options are available depending on personal circumstances and needs. The first step is to understand the level and type of care required, both immediately and in the foreseeable future. Armed with this information, you can then explore the various funding sources: council funding, NHS continuous care, and private funding.

Remember that obtaining financial assistance for live-in care requires planning, knowledge, and perhaps most importantly, patience. It may take time to navigate the different systems, but with perseverance, the right solution tailored to individual needs can be found.

The key is to make connections – reach out to the Torbay local authority, read the guides provided, search for your best-suited carers, and arrange for assessments as required. Most importantly, remember you don't have to do this alone. Assistance, guidance and expertise are available, ensuring the ageing residents of Torbay can attain the dedicated support they need, within the comfort of their own homes.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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