Funding Live-in Care in Tyne and Wear

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Funding Live-in Care in Tyne and Wear

Living in the comfort of your own home in Tyne and Wear, whilst receiving a professional level of care tailored to your preferences and individual needs, may sound like a perfect arrangement. However, the question on the minds of many individuals and their families is, "How do we fund this?" Let's help answer that question.

Live-in Care in Tyne and Wear
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1. Council Funding: Your Local Authority as a Lifeline

Let's begin with the financial assistance you could take advantage of, provided by your local authority. The link below leads to the Tyne and Wear local authority website where you can find more on their offerings: Tyne and Wear Local Authorities.

Understanding the Council Funding Process

Local authorities offer means-tested funding, which is essentially financial aid that varies in amount depending on your financial situation and requirements. This assessment of your assets (including savings and property) will determine the amount you will receive to subsidise your care.

The first step is to request a Care Needs Assessment from your local council. This not only assesses your financial situation but primarily focuses on identifying your care needs as per your physical and mental health, and social condition - prioritising your welfare above your assets.

Receiving Council Funding

After your assessment, your council will compile a care plan that aligns with your needs and highlights the extent to which they can support you financially. If you qualify, the council will provide direct payments, which give you the autonomy to employ a carer, or they can organise a care service for you directly.

2. NHS Continuing Care: Healthcare from the Nation's Finest

The National Health Service through the Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB) offers Continuing Healthcare to individuals with complex, ongoing health needs. More details regarding these services are available at the Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and North Durham Integrated Commissioning Board's website.

Identifying the Need for NHS Continuing Care

The purpose of NHS Continuing Healthcare is to provide full financial support to individuals with severe, ongoing health issues. These could range from physical conditions, debilitating diseases, cognitive impairments to learning disabilities.

Your eligibility is determined through an NHS assessment focusing on your need for care, not your financial situation. This is advantageous for those with high care demands that would drain financial resources.

Accessing NHS Continuing Healthcare

To apply for NHS Continuing Healthcare, contact your GP or social worker, who will proceed with an initial screening via a Checklist Assessment. If this identifies potential eligibility, you will undergo a comprehensive Decision Support Tool assessment conducted by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) including doctors and social workers.

3. Self-funding Care: Independence with Responsibility

Last but not least, there's always the option of self-funding if you have the means to do so. You may need to resort to this option if you do not qualify for council funding or NHS Continuing Healthcare. You can learn more about this method via the Complete Guide to Self-Funding Care.

Understanding Self-funding

Self-funding care involves paying for your care services wholly out of your pocket or with the aid of private sector financial solutions, such as care annuities or insurance policies. While this might be seen as a costly endeavour, it grants you full control and independence over the care services you receive.

Steps Towards Self-funding

The first steps to take would be to identify your care needs and thus, the type of care you might require. A guide to this can be found on Find Live-in Care in Tyne and Wear. It would also be helpful to understand the cost implications and plan; a resource for this is our Cost of Live-in Care in Tyne and Wear.

Whatever the method of funding, rest assured that with careful planning and utilisation of the resources available, you can access the level of care you need in the comfort of your own home. Remember, you are not alone in this journey; there are many services, teams and professionals ready to guide you through in Tyne and Wear.

There are key factors to consider on Best Live-in Carers in Tyne and Wear and to know more about the entirety of the care process, please refer to our Complete Guide to Live-in Care. By relying on these resources, you can navigate the roadmap of funding for live-in care and provide a secure and comforting environment for your loved ones in Tyne and Wear.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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