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The average cost for basic live-in home care in Enfield lies around £151.49 per day, whereas for hourly care, the price is roughly £19.56/hr, based on current data from self-employed carers based in the region.
If you are looking for care for a few hours a day, our average advertised rate is £19.56/hour.
Search Hourly CarersIf you're looking for a live-in carer, then prices can vary, but our average price for a single patient is £1,060/week.
Search Live-in CarersIf your live-in carer needs to be woken more than twice a night then an overnight relief carer can be hired a few nights a week to give the carer a chance to sleep.
Search Overnight CarersPlease Note: The above prices are fully inclusive of our 10-20% fee, and there are no other hidden costs.
Carers with different skills and experience levels will charge different rates.
Shorter visits are usually more expensive than longer visits, and live-in care is usually the most cost-effective option.
If your property in Enfield is hard to reach by public transport, carers may charge more to cover their travel costs.
The easiest way to find the correct price for your care, is to search for a carer today! Try our carer search below to see which carers are available in your area.
Fully Independent Carers: Independent carers typically charge between £15 and £25 per hour. This rate reflects the absence of intermediary fees, as clients engage directly with carers, allowing for personalised arrangements and potentially lower costs. However, clients bear the responsibility for vetting, insurance, and managing employment obligations.
Platform-Based Carers: Platforms like PrimeCarers offer a middle ground, connecting clients with vetted, insured, and supported carers. The average hourly rate ranges from £16.50 to £25. This model provides a balance between cost-effectiveness and support, as platforms handle administrative tasks and offer resources, ensuring quality and reliability without the higher fees associated with traditional agencies.
Traditional Agency Carers: Traditional care agencies charge higher rates, typically between £25 and £35 per hour. These fees encompass comprehensive services, including recruitment, training, management, and quality assurance. The higher costs reflect the agencies' operational expenses and the added value of managed services, offering clients convenience and peace of mind.
![]() | Private Carer | Traditional Agencies | |
Cost | Good | Excellent | Poor |
Choice | Excellent | Poor | Poor |
Control | Excellent | Excellent | Poor |
Consistency | Excellent | Moderate | Poor |
Quality | Excellent | Poor | Poor |
Safety | Excellent | Poor | Excellent |
The average cost for basic live-in home care in Enfield lies around £151.49 per day, whereas for hourly care, the price is roughly £19.56/hr, based on current data from self-employed carers based in the region.
Firstly, it is essential to understand what constitutes 'basic care'. Generally, it includes assistance with personal care and hygiene, companionship, and help with daily tasks such as shopping, cleaning, cooking, and medication prompting. It also occasionally covers help with mobility and transfers. Each carer featured on the PrimeCarers platform distinctly outlines their services, allowing for transparency to ensure you find the most suitable carer for your needs.
The type of home care you opt for can significantly influence the overall cost you'll face. In Enfield, there are primarily two types of care you can choose from: hourly care and live-in care.
Hourly care allows for maximum flexibility and is often suitable for those requiring assistance for a few hours a day or week. Carers generally assist with meal preparation, personal care, light housekeeping or accompany clients on outings. The carer leaves once their set hours are complete. As mentioned earlier, the average hourly cost in Enfield revolves around £19.56. However, actual prices set by self-employed carers can slightly differ. For a detailed breakdown, you can explore the cost of hourly care in Enfield.
On the other hand, live-in care is ideal for individuals who require more intensive, 24-hour care. This often includes support with mobility, round-the-clock personal care, companionship, assistance with household chores, and overnight support. A live-in carer typically works additional hours, especially when caring for a couple. Prices for live-in care typically start from about £151.49 per day. For an in-depth insight into live-in care, feel free to examine Live-in care costs in Enfield.
Several factors can influence the cost of home care in Enfield outside the base rate. Key elements can include the carer's specific skills or experience. If a carer has specific qualifications or abilities, their rates may be higher. These skills can comprise:
Ability to drive
Access to a vehicle
Tailored care experience like stomas or catheters
Proficiency in caring for couples
Culinary skills
It's essential to account for these elements when calculating potential care costs. PrimeCarers provides an array of carers with varying skills, experiences, and price frameworks, allowing you to fully customise your care.
While each carer sets their price, it's important to note the extensive vetting process they undergo to be listed on PrimeCarers. Vetting includes checking their Enhanced DBS certificates, ID checks, Right to Work, and conducting a professional interview with our team. This ensures that every carer is dependable, trustworthy, and highly competent in delivering exceptional care.
When determining the cost of home care in Enfield, it's clear that the prices can widely vary based on factors such as the type of care and carer's particular skills.
Remember to keep in mind that the carer you choose should not only meet your budget requirements but also match your exact care needs. Review the various Home Care options in Enfield and select the one most appropriate for you. The right carer makes all the difference in ensuring you or your loved ones experience a comfortable, secure, and fulfilling lifestyle.
By James Bowdler
I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.