Funding Home Care in Oxfordshire

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Funding Home Care in Oxfordshire

Funding for home care in Oxfordshire primarily comes from three sources: councils, the NHS, and private funds. Making the best choice depends on individual circumstances, financial situation, and care needs.

Home Care in Oxfordshire
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Understanding Home Care

Before delving into the details of various funding sources, it's useful to understand the types of home care available in Oxfordshire, as the kind of care needed can affect the funding options. Home care can be an hourly service, live-in care, or respite care.

Hourly care involves carers visiting your home for a certain number of hours each day to offer assistance with daily living activities. Live-in care provides a carer who lives with you at home and provides round-the-clock support. Respite care offers temporary relief to regular carers, assisting with care for a few hours a day or over a few weeks.

Understanding the kind of care needed plays a significant role in identifying the best funding options. The Types of Home Care Available in Oxfordshire guide can help you identify the care most suited to your lifestyle and health needs.

Council Funding for Home Care

The Oxfordshire local authority provides funding for social care services. Councils operate on a needs-based system, and the first step to access funding is to request a needs assessment.

Needs Assessment

A needs assessment evaluates your care requirements and determines whether you qualify for council help. The assessment is not merely about your physical health but also considers your mental wellbeing and the social aspects of your life.

The Oxfordshire County Council website features a detailed guide on how to arrange for a needs assessment.

Financial Assessment

If the needs assessment confirms your requirement for home care, the next step would be a financial assessment or means test. This assessment determines whether you qualify for financial support and how much you would need to contribute towards your care.

Home Care Personal Budget

If you are eligible, the council can allocate a personal budget. You’ll receive a statement specifying how much money you will get to meet your care needs. The council may provide the care, or you can opt for direct payments so that you can pay for your own care, giving you greater control and flexibility.

NHS Continuing Care

Another avenue for funding is the NHS, through a scheme known as NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC). This funding source might be appropriate if you have long-term, complex health needs due to disability or illness.

CHC Assessment

The first step to access NHS continuing care funding is an assessment. A healthcare professional will carry out an initial screening using a tool called the Checklist Tool. If the outcome signifies that you may be eligible for NHS CHC, you’ll have a full assessment by a team of healthcare professionals known as a multidisciplinary team (MDT).

More detailed information on the process, eligibility, and benefits can be found in the complete guide to NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Local Integrated Commissioning Board

Oxfordshire falls under the remit of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB). The ICB carries out the CHC assessment and decides whether you’re eligible for ongoing care. You can visit the ICB website for more information on the process for NHS Continuing Healthcare in this region.

The key benefit of NHS CHC is that it covers the full cost of care, including care at home and in care homes, unlike council funding which requires a contribution.

Self-Funding or Private Funding

Lastly, there’s the option of private funding or self-funding. This option applies if you don't qualify for council or NHS funding, or if you prefer not to go through the assessments. The complete guide to self-funding care offers comprehensive insights into managing and optimizing your care financing.

Cost of Home Care in Oxfordshire

Depending on the duration and type of care, the cost of home care in Oxfordshire can vary, so it’s vital to grasp the potential expenses before deciding on self-funding.

Finding a Home Carer

If you decide to self-fund, you have the flexibility to choose your own carer. Resources such as the guide to finding the Best Home Carers in Oxfordshire can be a valuable tool in choosing the right care provider for your needs.

Conclusion: Making the Best Choice

While the funding process may seem daunting, understanding these options can empower you to make informed decisions and find the best home care solution. Whether you choose council funding, NHS continuing healthcare, or private funding, each option provides paths to ensure your care requirements in Oxfordshire are met effectively.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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