Funding Home Care in Wandsworth

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Funding Home Care in Wandsworth

Funding home care in Wandsworth can be achieved via council funding, NHS continuing healthcare and private funding.

Home Care in Wandsworth
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Understanding Home Care

Before funding can be understood, it is crucial to understand the types of home care available, as the cost will differ based on the type and intensity of care needed. In Wandsworth, you can secure hourly care, live-in care, and respite care through PrimeCarers. To get a clear understanding of what each consists of, you can refer to the types of home care available in Wandsworth.

Hourly Care

Hourly care provides assistance on an hourly basis. It could be for a few hours each week, or round-the-clock, depending on the care recipient's needs. Learn more via the complete guide to hourly care.

Live-in Care

Live-in care involves having a carer live with the care recipient in their home. This is an ideal option for individuals who require constant care and supervision. You can find more details and live-in care options in Wandsworth on the PrimeCarers website.

Respite Care

Respite care helps relieve unpaid carers, such as family members, by providing temporary or substitute care so they can take a break. You can look into the complete guide to respite care for more information.

Council Funding for Home Care

Wandsworth Borough Council, like other local authorities in the UK, may provide some financial support for home care. The first step to accessing council funding is to undertake a care needs assessment. This will determine the type and level of care required.

To be considered for council funding, you need to refer to the local Financial Assessment and Benefits Team (FAB), where they will carry out a financial assessment. Your income, savings, and investments will be reviewed, and if they fall under the financial threshold, the council will contribute to your home care costs.

How Council Funding Works

The council funding works on a shared contribution basis, where Wandsworth Borough Council pays some part and the care recipient contributes the rest. The amount each contributes depends on the financial assessment.

NHS Continuing Healthcare

Another source of funding for home care is the NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC). The first step to accessing NHS funding is to undergo an initial assessment, or a checklist assessment. If the checklist assessment indicates that you might qualify for CHC, then a full assessment will be undertaken by a multidisciplinary team.

Continuing care is completely funded by NHS and is not a shared cost service like the council funding. You can refer to the complete guide to NHS Continuing Healthcare for further information.

Step-by-Step Process for NHS Continuing Care

Wandsworth is part of the South West London Integrated Commissioning Board. Once the initial checklist assessment is positive, you can head over to the South West London Integrated Commissioning Board portal for a comprehensive assessment.

Private Funding

Private funding is an option for those not eligible for council or NHS funding. You can refer to a financial adviser who specializes in care funding, or you can self-fund your care.

Private funding is flexible and allows you to choose the type of care and service provider you want. You can refer to the complete guide to self-funding care for more detailed information.


Now you have an understanding of how to fund home care in Wandsworth. Whether you’re suitable for council funding, eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare, or able to privately fund your home care, the goal is ensuring that you or your loved ones are cared for properly. You can research the best home carers in Wandsworth depending on your requirements and determine the cost of home care on the PrimeCarers website. Ensuring you or your loved ones get the necessary care should be a priority, regardless of the funding source.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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