Cost of Live-in Care in Telford and Wrekin

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Cost of Live-in Care in Telford and Wrekin

As we age, our loved ones may need extra help, particularly when it comes to daily activities and self-care. Deciding the best way to provide this care often requires hard decisions. One increasingly popular choice is live-in care, a service provided by dedicated carers who live within the home. They offer support with daily tasks, help with medical conditions, and company for your loved ones.

In this article, we're going to look at the cost of live-in care in Telford and Wrekin. Covering the average costs for basic and complex care, we'll also give you a clear idea of what you can expect for your money.

Live-in Care in Telford and Wrekin
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Basic Rate vs Complex Rate

At PrimeCarers, we believe in complete transparency. This includes being upfront about the costs involved in live-in care. There are two brackets when it comes to live-in care pricing: basic and complex rates.

The basic rate covers live-in carers whose skills and expertise match those required in most scenarios. More complex cases might require a carer with more specialised skills or with experience in intensive nursing care. Hence, the complex rate.

In Telford and Wrekin, based on averages from advertised rates, the cost for basic live-in care was £148.03. In contrast, for complex live-in care, the price was on average £177.01. It is worthy of note that all carers on our platform set their own prices, and these figures represent the mean of their advertised rates.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Care

The cost of live-in care can vary depending on several factors:

Frequent Night-Time Waking

Carers are paid for their time, skills and the level of care they deliver. If the person in their care wakes frequently during the night, this disrupts the carer's rest and increases their workload. As a result, you can expect a higher price for such care.

Caring for a Couple

If the carer is responsible for delivering care to a couple, rather than an individual, this also affects the overall cost. Additional people mean additional tasks and time, resulting in a higher rate.

Level of Medical Care Needed

When your loved one requires intensive medical care or nursing, this could increase the cost of live-in care. This is because such roles usually demand a carer with more advanced skills and qualifications.

Carer's Experience and Skills

Specialised expertise or skills can also affect the price. Carers with specialist expertise tend to charge higher due to their specialised capabilities and the demand for these skills.

Making the Right Choice for Live-in Care

While the cost is an unavoidable factor to consider, it is not the only one. The most crucial factor is to ensure the best care for your loved one. It's essential to choose the right carer to meet their needs, both in terms of their physical well-being and their emotional happiness.

You may wish to consider a carer with unique skills or experiences that make them a good match for your loved one. For instance, carers could be familiar with your loved one's hobbies or interspersed with them on a social or cultural level. Greater personal compatibility might mean a higher cost, but it could also lead to much better care.

We've created an extensive guide to help you find a live-in carer in Telford and Wrekin that meets all your criteria.

Understanding Live-in Care Costs

We understand that the figures quoted above might seem high, particularly if you're looking at them for the first time. Nevertheless, it's important to remember that live-in care provides round-the-clock support for your loved one, right in the comfort of their home.

Seeing the cost as a payment for a 24-hour service, seven days a week, can make it more comprehensive and can even be seen as cost-effective when compared to other care options like a care home.

Additionally, live-in care is less disruptive as it allows your loved ones to stay in their familiar surroundings.

For a more detailed breakdown of costs and what they cover, have a look at our Complete Guide to the Cost of Live-in Care.

Other Considerations

When considering the cost of live-in care, it's worth thinking about how these expenses can be met. The good news is, there are various funding options available. Some people may be eligible for benefits or subsidies, while others might use their private funds or pension.

You can also find detailed information on our page about funding live-in care in Telford and Wrekin.

For couples considering shared care, it's worth noting that live-in carers can indeed look after couples. Although it might lead to higher costs, it can provide major savings when compared to the price of two care home placements. For more insight, this article offers an excellent overview.


Live-in care represents a fantastic set-up to provide your loved ones with the care they need while allowing them to maintain their independence at home. When considering the cost of care in Telford and Wrekin, it's important to put the price into perspective: it's an investment in your loved one's comfort, happiness, and overall well-being.

At PrimeCarers, we're dedicated to providing exceptional care at a fair price. We believe in transparent, caring, and kind business practices. We're here to help find the best solution for your family, and that includes finding the best care at the most reasonable cost. To learn more, explore our list of best Live-in Carers in Telford and Wrekin.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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