Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care in Cheshire

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Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care in Cheshire

Opting for private care in Cheshire with PrimeCarers opens a world of comfort, consistency, personalisation, and affordability not achievable via agency care.

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The Many Advantages of Private Care

Consistent Carer

Unlike standard care agencies where carers often rotate, PrimeCarers ensures that you have consistent care from a carer of your choice. This means you get to choose who comes into your home to care for you. Trust and rapport between the carer and the cared-for can significantly enhance the level and quality of care received. This consistency fosters a deep understanding of your needs, habits, and preferences.


PrimeCarers strives to make private care accessibly affordable, levying just a 12.5% fee for live-in care, and 15-20% fee for hourly care. This is a stark contrast to traditional agencies which often deduct between 30-50% of the care fee. By choosing private care with PrimeCarers, you're getting superior care at significantly lower rates.

Comfort of Home

There's no place like home. The comfort, familiarity, and the sentiments attached to one's residence are irreplaceable, especially for those receiving care. PrimeCarers facilitates care in the most comfortable setting – the place you call home. You can carry on with your routines, live life on your terms, and enjoy the peace that comes with staying in familiar environments.

Perfect Match

PrimeCarers goes above and beyond to find your ideal carer by comparing over 80 factors. Beyond just qualifications and experience, personality, interests, and other soft characteristics that contribute to compatibility are considered. With such a precise matching process, your chances of finding the right private carer greatly increase.

Ideal for Couples

Arranging care for couples can be a challenge, but not with PrimeCarers. The platform accommodates couples' care for an average of £1,218 a week. This makes family care more convenient, manageable, and cost-effective. For a detailed explanation on managing carers for couples, visit the PrimeCarers website.

Local Outings

You or your loved ones shouldn't miss out on the beautiful attractions Cheshire has to offer. Carers affiliated with PrimeCarers are more than willing to accompany clients to local places of interest. Chester Zoo, Tatton Park, and the Gardens of Dunham Massey are a few popular locations that can add fun and excitement to the daily routine.

Private Care vs Agency Care

The structure and workings of traditional care agencies might not always serve the best interest of the ones in need of care. Here's why:

Fee Proportions

As mentioned earlier, traditional agencies take between 30-50% of the care fee paid. This significantly inflates the cost of care without necessarily improving the quality.

Limited Choices

Agency-based care often limits your choice of carers. This can lead to misalignments in personality, skills set and comfort levels, potentially affecting the quality of care.

Rigid Structure

Agency care can be overly structured. The carers are usually bound by the agency's policies and may be unwilling to complete any activities not explicitly stated in the care plan. This rigid structure can restrict the individualised attention the cared-for may require.

High Staff Turnover

With high staff turnover rate, agencies tend to swap carers frequently. This lack of consistency in care can be disruptive and cause unnecessary stress.

To overcome these challenges, finding a private carer in Cheshire through PrimeCarers can be an excellent alternative.


Providing care for your loved one is about making the right choices that align with their needs and comfort. Opting for private care, especially from a platform like PrimeCarers, can make a significant difference. From affordability to personalised attention, and from comfort of home to options for out-of-home experiences, PrimeCarers caters to all aspects of private care in Cheshire.

Consider understanding the complete guide to private carers or exploring the cost of home care in Cheshire by clicking on the embedded links. Make an informed decision, considering all the advantages and potentialities of private care, and genuinely improve the quality of life for you or your loved ones.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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