Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care in Hampshire

Map of Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care in Hampshire showing towns we provide care in
Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care in Hampshire

Private care in Hampshire, provided by PrimeCarers, offers a plethora of benefits, from affordable and consistent carer services to the comfort of your own home and the joy of exploring local attractions.

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Consistency with Care

There's a notable element of trust required when it comes to inviting a carer into your home. At PrimeCarers, we understand this, which is why we place great emphasis on providing consistent care. Unlike traditional care agencies, where the carer can change frequently, once you pick a carer through PrimeCarers, that individual becomes your go-to person. We believe in solid relationships between carers and clients, ensuring that you always have the final say on who comes into your home.

Affordable Care

Despite being a private service, PrimeCarers offers an affordable solution to your care needs. The fee for live-in care stands at 12.5%, significantly lower than the steep charges of 30-50% that traditional agencies impose. For hourly care services, the fee is between 15-20%. This competitive pricing structure is designed to deliver the best care without breaking the bank.

Comfort in Your Own Home

With a private carer, the comfort of your familiar setting is never compromised. As our carers provide their services at your home, you have the added advantage of adhering to your normal routine, including diet, sleep schedule and even favourite leisure activities. This continuity is especially important for those with memory impairments, as familiarity provides comfort and reduces stress and confusion.

An Ideal Match

With PrimeCarers, care is not one-size-fits-all. We understand that each individual has unique needs, and each carer has specific skills. That's why we match individuals to carers using over 80 factors. By doing a comprehensive match, we increase the likelihood of compatibility, ensuring a higher level of satisfaction with the services provided. If you're looking to Find a Private Carer in Hampshire, we are confident we can provide the ideal match for your needs.

A Perfect Package for Couples

Private care presents an excellent solution for couples in need of assistance. With costs averaging £1,218 per week, both your parents can enjoy care services at home, creating a shared experience rather than a solo one. Should the need arise, you can find answers to the question "Will Carers Look After Couples?" in our guide.

Preventing Confinement

Another unique element of private care is the flexibility it provides. In Hampshire, we are surrounded by a host of appealing attractions suitable for the elderly or disabled individuals. Popular spots include the grand Winchester Cathedral, the serene New Forest National Park, or the delightful Exbury Gardens. Our carers are more than willing to accompany clients, enriching their experience and preventing the confinement that so often accompanies old age or disability.

Superior to Agency Care

Traditional agency care, while helpful, often falls short in comparison to private care.

Unfavourable Financial Model

Agencies typically take a sizable 30-50% fee, pushing the cost of care upward without necessarily improving the service. In contrast, PrimeCarers has a much more modest fee framework, ensuring more of your investment goes directly towards the quality of care you receive.

Limited Choices

Choice, or rather the lack of it, is another key challenge with agency care. Constrained by their predefined pool of carers, agencies often fail to provide a perfect match. At PrimeCarers, our philosophy is quite opposite. We empower you to have a say in your care, letting you decide who enters your home.

Lack of Flexibility

Agency care can also be too structured, with carers reluctant to perform activities outside the stipulated care plan. With PrimeCarers, our carers are more open and flexible, ready to adapt to your needs.

Inconsistent Carers

Finally, the high staff turnover and frequent rota changes in agencies can lead to inconsistent carers, causing anxiety and discomfort for clients. In contrast, private care ensures the continuity of carers, offering peace of mind.


Hampshire, with its scenic beauty and historical landmarks, is a delightful place to enjoy your sunset years. Choosing private care for your needs ensures that you receive not just consistent and affordable care, but also an enriched, comfortable life. By providing this, PrimeCarers endeavours to unlock the full potential of private care, helping you live life to the fullest, as deserved.

For a more detailed insight into private care, feel free to read our Complete Guide to Private Carers, or understand more about the Cost of Home Care in Hampshire. PrimeCarers is here to help, always striving to make private care an ideal solution for your care needs.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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