Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care in Lincolnshire

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Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care in Lincolnshire

Unlocking the advantages of private care in Lincolnshire brings benefits such as consistent and affordable care in the comfort of your own home, flexible plans that cater to individual needs, and the opportunity for supportive companionship.

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The Advantages of Private Care

A Consistent Carer

With private care, you have the power to choose your carer, ensuring that the individual who enters your home is someone you're comfortable with. PrimeCarers understands the importance of this relationship, selecting carers based on over 80 unique factors, making sure they're the perfect match for you. You maintain consistent interaction with the same carer instead of having multiple people come into your home, offering peace of mind and a sense of continuity.


One of the essential advantages of hiring a private carer through PrimeCarers is the cost-effectiveness compared to some other care options. With only a 12.5% fee for live-in care and 15-20% for hourly care, you get excellent service without breaking the bank. Understanding the cost of home care in Lincolnshire will make it clear how competitive our rates are.

Comfort in Your Own Home

Home is where our heart is, and private care allows you to receive the care you need without leaving your familiar surroundings. There is a sense of relief that comes with being at home, surrounded by your belongings, memories, and even pets. It is not just a house; it's a home filled with cherished experiences.

A Perfect Match

A distinguishing feature of PrimeCarers is the careful match process. With over 80 factors considered, this allows for a personalised, tailored approach to selecting the best carer for you, one who can understand your specific requirements, personality traits, hobbies, and even cultural preferences. This tailored fit provides a greater connection and comfort level between the carer and the person receiving care.

Ideal for Couples

Private care is also ideal for couples who wish to remain together in their own home. It often happens that both partners require care but are at different stages of need. Hiring a private carer through PrimeCarers can support both your parents at a competitive price, and they can continue enjoying shared experiences.

Local Attractions

A delightful benefit of private care in Lincolnshire is the chance to explore local attractions. Carers often can take clients out for small trips, and Lincolnshire offers many charming places. Popular sites include the peaceful Doddington Hall gardens, the historic Lincoln Cathedral, or the easily accessible Hartsholme Country Park with its gorgeous green spaces and calming lake.

How is Private Care Superior to Agency Care?

Choosing a private care service can provide specific advantages over agency care. Here, we unpack how you can benefit from opting for PrimeCarers.

More Cost-Effective

Private care proves more cost-effective compared to what most agencies offer. Many agencies take a 30-50% cut of the fee you pay, making private care offered by PrimeCarers, with a smaller commission, much more affordable.

Greater Choice of Carers

With agency care, you generally have less choice in carers; however, PrimeCarers gives you the option to find a private carer in Lincolnshire that matches your specific needs and preferences.


Agency care can be overly structured, with many carers unwilling to do any activity not explicitly stated on the care plan. In contrast, private care allows greater flexibility, with carers usually willing to go the extra mile to ensure your needs are met.

Consistent Care

Agencies may frequently swap carers as staff turnover can be high leading to inconsistent care. With PrimeCarers, you get to choose your carer and can maintain the same individual for continuous personalised care.

Opting for private care in Lincolnshire can open up a range of advantages for individuals seeking comprehensive care and support. PrimeCarers is your ideal partner in finding a tailored solution to meet your needs while providing the highest level of service and satisfaction. Check out our complete guide to private carers for more information.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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