Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care on the Orkney Islands

Map of Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care on the Orkney Islands showing towns we provide care in
Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care on the Orkney Islands

Private care on the Orkney Islands provides a consistent, affordable, and comforting option that allows elderly or disabled individuals to preserve their independence and enjoy the warmth of care in their homely space.

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The Value of Consistency

There's a psychological comfort that comes with familiarity – this is indisputable. Private care as offered by PrimeCarers capitalises on this emotional component by ensuring you can select a private carer who is a perfect match and who will provide consistent care.

Consistency, in this sense, translates to developing a rapport with a carer who develops an understanding of your unique needs. Most importantly, you get the final say on who comes into your home. This feature is especially vital for the elderly or disabled, who may require a specific type of personalised attention.

Affordable Private Care

It is commonplace to hear that live-in private care is expensive. However, PrimeCarers offers reasonably priced services with a fee of just 12.5% for live-in care and 15-20% for hourly care. You can review the Cost of Home Care on the Orkney Islands for a more detailed overview. Considering the quality of care provided, it is worth noting that this is no small feat.

Home Comfort Advantage

Another advantage of private care is that it takes place in your home. There is a unique sense of security and calmness that being at home provides, making it a conducive environment for healing, recovering, and ageing. It eliminates the time-consuming and energy-draining transition that the alternative – moving to a care facility – would necessitate.

The Search for a Perfect Match

Through PrimeCarers, you can find a carer who matches you or your loved one based on over 80 different factors. These factors range from specific care needs, personality traits, shared interests, to lifestyle preferences. This meticulous approach ensures that the care received is not just effective but also personalised to the individual.

An Ideal Solution for Couples

Private care is not only perfect for individual care needs but it also provides a desirable solution for elderly couples who desire to stay together. Normally, managing care for couples can be a hectic and complex endeavour. The logistics involved when dealing with different care homes can prove challenging. On average, PrimeCarers can support both your parents at home for £1,218 a week, providing a seamless solution that meets diverse needs. To understand the extent of this service, you can read more on how carers will look after couples.

Enjoy Local Attractions

Among the many features of private care is the opportunity to continue enjoying life's pleasures, including exploring local attractions. The Orkney Islands are packed with numerous sightseeing attractions like the Skara Brae, the Ring of Brodgar, the Italian Chapel, and the St Magnus Cathedral. With the assistance of a private carer, all these can be part of your regular activities, providing a sense of enjoyment and maintaining a good quality of life.

An Edge Over Agency Care

Private care undoubtedly presents an edge over agency care for various reasons.

Cost Effectiveness

Agencies typically take a 30-50% cut of the fee you pay. Conversely, with private care, especially as provided by PrimeCarers, a significant chunk of these costs can be avoided.

Autonomy and Choice

In private care, you have a greater say in choosing your carer. Agency care, on the other hand, often dictates who works for you, and the choice given might not be as broad as when you hire privately.


Agency care can often be overly structured, with carers unwilling to perform activities outside the specified plans. However, this is not a concern with private carers who are keen on providing personalised care that suits you or your loved ones’ needs.


In agency care, carers may be frequently swapped out due to changing staff rotas or high turnovers. This can be disruptive and unsettling for elderly or disabled individuals. Private care avoids this by ensuring consistency.


Finding the right care for you or your loved ones is an important decision. As seen from this discussion, private care offers a series of advantages over known alternatives, particularly if it’s offered by a trusted service provider such as PrimeCarers.

Whether you’re looking to find a trusted private carer on the Orkney Islands or for a detailed guide to private carers and how to manage them, PrimeCarers ensures that you receive the best service with a distinctly personalised approach. The process is simple: It begins with understanding your needs and ends with matching you with the most suitable carer for you or your loved ones. Start the journey of finding live-in care on the Orkney Islands with PrimeCarers today.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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