Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care in Powys

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Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care in Powys

In Powys, private care with PrimeCarers is a viable option, unlocking myriad benefits like the consistency of carers, affordability, comfort of staying at home, perfect matching based on robust criteria, meaningful assistance for couples and so much more.

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Advantages of Private Care

Consistency of Carer

With private care, you choose your carer. PrimeCarers ensures that you have the final say on the person entering your home and caring for you or your loved ones. Knowing who is taking care of you offers a sense of security and stability, often aiding the development of strong personal relationships between the carer and the recipient of care. This continuity also allows the carer to understand the specific needs, preferences, and characteristics of the person they are helping, leading to a more personalised and effective care.


Despite the personalised attention that comes with hiring a private carer, you may be surprised to learn that this service is quite affordable. PrimeCarers charges a 12.5% fee for live-in care and a 15-20% fee for hourly care. Comparatively, traditional agencies tend to take a 30-50% cut of the fee you pay.

Comfort of Home

Private care allows the person in need of care to remain in their own home, surrounded by familiar settings and personal possessions. This can be vitally important, not least for older people who may become confused or distressed in unfamiliar surroundings. It also provides the opportunity to maintain much-valued independence, and a level of flexibility not typically offered by residential care homes.

The Perfect Match

Choosing a carer is not just about qualifications and experience, but also about finding a person with which the care recipient can build a rapport. PrimeCarers matches clients with carers considering more than 80 factors. This ensures that the care you receive is not just professional, but also genuinely warm and compassionate – something that could make a world of difference.

Optimal Care for Couples

Looking for a solution that accommodates both your parents? Private care presents an effective option. PrimeCarers provides care for couples at their home at an average cost of £1,218 per week. Check out this link for more information on how PrimeCarers looks after couples.

Excursions in Powys

Beyond the care at home, private carers can also accompany persons to local attractions in Powys enriching their life experience and fostering a sense of connection with the community. There are many elderly and disabled-friendly locations in Powys including the Powis Castle and Garden, the Brecon Beacons National Park, and the Elan Valley — beautiful landscapes for a lovely day out.

How Does Private Care Compare to Agency Care?

Limited Choice in Agency Care

With agencies, you tend to have less choice of carers compared to private care. With PrimeCarers, the wide selection of private carers in Powys, you can choose the perfect match based on factors extensively outlined, ensuring that you feel confident and comfortable with your choice.

Overly-structured Agency Care

Agency care tends to be rigid and frequently unaccommodating of activities that are not explicitly stated on the care plan. This lack of flexibility can significantly impact the quality of life of care recipients. Private care, on the contrary, often has the scope for personalisation and flexibility to adapt to the needs and preferences of the individual.

High Staff Turnover in Agencies

With agencies, it’s common for carers to be swapped as rotas change, and the personnel turnover is typically high. This leads to a lack of consistency which can be stressful for the care recipients. On the other hand, with private care, you will have the same carer, ensuring the development of a strong, personal relationship built on trust and familiarity.

All these factors combined make private care a superior alternative to traditional agency care. The benefits of personalisation, consistency, affordability and the comfort of staying at home are paramount. To delve further into the benefits of private care, you might find this Complete Guide to Private Carers useful. Whatever your care needs are, remember that taking the private care route with PrimeCarers means unlocking the advantages of specialised care that is sensitive to your individual needs and preferences.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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