Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care in Richmond upon Thames

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Unlocking the Advantages of Private Care in Richmond upon Thames

Choosing private care in Richmond upon Thames offers a flexible, personalised and cost-effective solution that can greatly enhance your quality of life.

Richmond upon Thames Private Carers: Get the Best Care Today
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What Makes Private Care Stand Out?

Many often find themselves in a position where extra support is needed either for themselves or loved ones. The traditional path that many choose is that of an agency. However, private care has now emerged as a more personal, flexible and cost-effective alternative that puts choice back into the hands of those who need care.

Consistent Carer of Your Choice

One of the greatest benefits of opting for private care is the ability to choose the carer you want. With PrimeCarers, you maintain control over who you invite into your home, providing the unique opportunity to select someone with whom you feel most comfortable. This ensures consistency in care unlike care agencies where due to changing schedules, there might be frequent changes in the carers attending to you. Consistency enhances trust, comfort and develops a better understanding between you and your carer, resulting in superior quality care.

Affordable Care For All

Contrary to popular belief, private care can often be more affordable than agency care. Private carers via PrimeCarers come with a considerable reduction in costs. For live-in care, only a 12.5% fee is applicable, and for hourly care, you pay a fee of 15-20%. This provides a cost-effective solution, particularly when compared to agencies that ordinarily take a 30-50% cut of the fee. In the end, a better portion of your payment goes to the carer for their services, meaning quality is not compromised for cost. To understand even more about the costs involved in home care in Richmond upon Thames, read here.

The Comfort of Your Own Home

Remaining in familiar surroundings whilst receiving care has numerous psychological and emotional benefits. Private care allows you to stay in your home environment which is paramount to mental health, wellbeing and maintains independence. With many familiar landmarks around, such as the picturesque Richmond Park or the historically rich Hampton Court Palace, you can actively engage with your local community without having to uproot from a known area. Keeping up with your hobbies and leisure activities also becomes easier when cared for in your own home.

Perfect Match with In-depth Matching Procedure

PrimeCarers offers a highly complex matching system which accounts for over 80 factors to ensure that you're paired with the most suitable carer for you. This personalised match is something not typically offered by traditional agencies where you have more limited choice. The extensive matching factors range from the skill level of the carer, their behavioural traits and their personality. So, finding the ideal carer, someone who would be able to take you out to your favourite spots in Richmond, or provide the right level of care, becomes seamless. You can find a private carer here if you're interested.

Ideal for Couples

Private care caters well to couples, providing the opportunity to support both parents at home, ensuring they stay together and have their needs met at an average cost of £1,218/week. Traditional agency care often overlooks the unique requirements of couples, but with PrimeCarers' bespoke offering, couples get to receive care in a cohesive manner, significantly reducing stress often associated with separate care plans. Read more on how carers look after couples here.

Private Care Vs Agency Care

Though agency care comes with its own advantages, there are certain areas where they may fall short when compared with private care.

Payment Percentage

With agencies, a substantial portion of your payment, usually 30-50%, is taken as a service fee which likely means that carers are potentially undervalued and the cost of care is inflated. Conversely, with private care, lower processing fees by PrimeCarers ensure that a vast portion of your fee goes directly to the carers doing the work.

Carer Selection

While care agencies use their own criteria to select carers, you often have little or no say in who provides your care. On the contrary, private care provides you with the flexibility to directly engage with carers before making your choice.

Overly Structured Services

Agency care can be overly structured and leave carers unwilling or unable to do any activity not explicitly stated on the care plan. In contrast, private care provides a flexible service that can adapt to your changing needs over time.

Frequent Changing of Carers

With agency care, staff turnover can be high, leading to regular changes of carers which may disrupt the continuity of care. Meanwhile, in private care, you can maintain a stable relationship with your chosen carer, which is fundamental to establishing trust and a strong working relationship.

A Warm, Private Solution in Richmond upon Thames

Home is where the heart is, and with private care offered by PrimeCarers, you get to stay exactly where your heart is - in your most loved and familiar environment. To witness the complete guide to private carers, visit here. With PrimeCarers, you unlock the door to the many advantages of private care in Richmond upon Thames, ensuring not only a longer and safer stay at home but also a happier one. From ideal matches to consistency in care providers, peace of mind comes with private care that suits you and your lifestyle. After all, your care, your choice!

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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