Types Of Elderly Care Available in Merton

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Types Of Elderly Care Available in Merton

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There are diverse types of elderly care available in Merton, including Hourly Care, Live-in Care, Respite Care, Dementia Care, End of Life Care, and Overnight Care, which are shaped to address the unique needs, challenges and preferences of our older adults.

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Hourly Care

Hourly Care is where carers visit their client for a minimum of 1 hour at their home to give the necessary care services. This is an excellent option for older adults who require assistance, companionship or prompt medical attention within specified times during the day.

This type of care is flexible, adaptive and less intrusive that it may include a wide range of activities such as help with grooming, meal preparation, medication reminders, light housekeeping, and can also provide transport to physician’s appointments and on trips out. It aligns with the independent living lifestyle of our older adults but ensures they are not left alone during times when accidents are most probable. Learn more about this care type with this Complete Guide to Hourly Care.

Live-in Care

Live-in Care is provided when a carer lives in the home with the older adult. This arrangement provides round-the-clock support and assistance, and is most suitable for older adults who need constant care due to more serious health issues or mobility problems.

A Live-in Carer helps with personal care, meal provision, medication administration, and ensures the safety of the elderly person. They are also available for emotional support and companionship, which is crucial for mental health. Discover more on how to find Live-in Care in Merton here.

Respite Care

Respite Care is offered to provide a short-term break for primary caregivers. Caregiving can be an ongoing, high-commitment duty which can sometimes leave caregivers feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or stressed. Respite Care ensures primary caregivers have time to rest and recover without worrying about their loved ones' safety or well-being.

Respite carers are skilled in providing companionship, administering medication, and in undertaking various household tasks etc. If you're a caregiver, looking after an elderly loved one in Merton, it is important that you recognise any signs of caregiver burnout and seek help if necessary. More on this care type can be found in the Complete Guide to Respite Care.

Dementia Care

Dementia Care is a specialised care service provided by caregivers with specialist training in caring for people with dementia. These carers help manage the symptoms of dementia, such as agitation, depression and forgetfulness.

Dementia caregivers in Merton assist with daily activities, ensure a safe environment, and provide activities that stimulate cognitive function. They can also help with communication, reassuring and calming the person when they are worried or agitated. Further reading on Dementia Care can be found here.

End of Life Care

End of Life Care, or palliative care, provides the necessary support to those nearing the end of life. Carers specialised in this field are trained to effectively manage pain and discomfort, offer emotional and psychological support and to help individuals live as well as possible until they pass.

End of Life Carers understand the importance of preserving the dignity of the person they’re looking after. They work not only to ease physical distress but also to provide companionship, warmth and understanding during a difficult time. You can find out more on the Complete Guide to End of Life Care.

Overnight Care

Overnight Care is when carers provide support at night, typically for a minimum of 8 hours. This is perfect for older adults who frequently wake up at night, those who need assistance going to the bathroom, or those who feel anxious or scared when left alone during the dark hours.

The presence of an overnight carer can keep older adults safe, provide peace of mind, and improve the sleep quality of both the older person and their family. A Complete Guide to Overnight Care can offer further insights into how this care type can help.

Caring for our elderly loved ones is integral to their well-being and quality of life. PrimeCarers recognises this and offers a wide range of services to meet varying needs in the Merton community. Always remember, the best care is one that respects the dignity and wishes of the elderly person, while improving their physical, emotional, and mental health. For further information or to find the right type of elderly care for your loved ones in Merton, please visit our website.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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