Cost of Live-in Care in Ealing

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Cost of Live-in Care in Ealing

As our relatives age, their health and personal care needs increase. When assisted living or a retirement home isn't an option or preference, turning to the expertise of live-in care can ensure your loved one receives the round-the-clock care they need within the comfort and familiarity of their own home. While the peace of mind provided by this option is invaluable, the associated financial implications become an essential consideration. This article delves into the cost of live-in care in Ealing, providing insights to aid your planning and decision-making process.

Live-in Care in Ealing
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What Is Live-in Care?

Before we delve into costs, we must first understand what live-in care entails. Live-in care provides the elderly and those with specific needs the assistance they need to continue living independently in their own home. A live-in carer resides within the recipient's home, delivering personalised, constant care. This care may include assistance with physical needs, meal preparation, shopping, cleaning, and medication management.

Simply put, the carer helps with everything your loved one requires to make their living comfortable and satisfying. The specifics of their role depend on the individual's level of need, which could be basic or complex. This Complete Guide to Live-in Care explains the service in greater detail.

The Cost Structure of Live-in Care

At PrimeCarers, two main categories determine the price a client will pay for live-in care services - basic live-in care and complex live-in care. These costs rest on the carer's responsibilities and the level of care needed by your loved one.

Basic Live-in Care

Basic live-in care provides support with activities such as cooking, cleaning, companionship, and assistance with mobility. On a broader scale, it ensures your loved one gets help in day-to-day activities, fostering a high quality of life.

In Ealing, the average cost of basic live-in care is approximately £144.97. The price may vary due to carers on this platform being self-employed and thereby setting their own rates.

Complex Live-in Care

Moving to a higher level of care, complex live-in care, involves providing support for more intense health or behavioural needs. These could range from specialist care for severe illness or dementia, managing catheters or stoma bags, administering medication, and providing intense round-the-clock surveillance.

The average cost of complex live-in care in Ealing comes in around £177.08. Similarly to basic live-in care, the price differs among carers based on the specific needs of your loved ones and the unique skills or expertise required of the carer.

Keep in mind that the total cost of live-in care may increase under various circumstances. We cover these next.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Live-in Care

Different factors could influence the actual cost of live-in care.

Frequent Night Awakening

If an older adult frequently wakes at night and requires care during these hours, this could lead to higher costs. Night duties demand more from the carer, requiring extra exertion and disrupted sleep schedules. Therefore, carers tend to charge higher for such cases.

Caring for Couples

Another scenario that could raise costs is when the carer has to look after a couple. It means the carer's attention is divided between two people with differing needs and possibly various health conditions.

Consider our guide on whether Live-in Carers can look after couples, to help your decision-making process.

Intensive Nursing Care

The cost of live-in care may also surge if the carer has to provide intensive nursing care. This complex care is rendered to those suffering severe medical conditions that demand expert care.

Unique Skills or Expertise required

Lastly, if the care recipient needs a carer with unique skills or a specific expertise, it could also affect the cost. The rarity or specific nature of these skills or experience usually demands a higher rate.


In conclusion, understanding and planning for the cost of live-in care is crucial for both the mental and financial wellbeing of everyone involved. Keep in mind that while you are investing in the health and happiness of your loved one, you also want to get the best value for your money. Here's our detailed guide to the cost of Live-in Care to provide further aid.

Hope this article helps you in navigating the costs associated with live-in care in Ealing. Remember, every person is unique, and pricing varies based on individual's needs, the carer's skills and the level of care required. Visit PrimeCarers for the best live-in carers in Ealing or to find live-in care in Ealing that suits your needs and budget best.

Despite the costs involved, the decision to hire live-in care is a huge step towards ensuring your loved one's comfortable and independent lifestyle. Be sure to check our article on funding live-in care in Ealing to see the financial support options available. After all, a good life deserves good care.

Do visit PrimeCarers for more information on live-in care and to find the best carers in Ealing. Let us be a part of your journey to ensuring a wholesome life for your loved ones.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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