How to Check a Private Carer: Your Step-by-Step Guide

James Bowdler

28 March, 2023

2 min read

Checking that a carer is right for your loved one is no small task. You want someone who embodies the qualities of a good carer as well as having the experience and skills necessary to meet your loved one’s specific needs. To help you in your search for the ideal caregiver, we’ve put together a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how to check a private carer.

How to Check a Private Carer: Your Step-by-Step Guide
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Step 1: Background Check

To keep your loved one safe, do a background check on any carer. Start by checking their photo ID. Then, look into their past.

DBS Check

An important part of a background check is a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This check shows their criminal history. Make sure the carer has an up-to-date, enhanced DBS check for working with vulnerable adults.

Check out our full article on checking DBS certificates.

Social Media Investigation

Social media can help you learn about a carer’s character. Search sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Look for warning signs and good signs about their caregiving.

Respect their privacy and don’t decide just based on their social media. Use this information as part of your overall evaluation.

Advanced Google Searches

Use Google to find more about the carer. Put quotation marks (“”) around their full name for exact matches. Add keywords like “caregiver” or “nurse.”

You may find news articles or discussions about the carer. Not all online information is accurate, so double-check any important findings.

Affordable Background Check Services

You can also use a background check service for more details. They can provide information like education, credit history, and driving records.

Some popular background check services include CheckPeople, TruthFinder, and Instant Checkmate. Make sure they follow privacy laws and get the carer’s consent.

Looking closely at a carer’s background helps you learn about their skills and character. This helps you choose the right carer for your loved one.

Step 2: Check Their References

References can give you valuable information about a carer’s work. Ask for at least two references from past employers or clients. Focus on recent references for the latest information.

Talk to each reference about the carer’s performance. Ask open-ended questions to get detailed answers. Questions could include:

  • How long did the carer work with your loved one?
  • What tasks did they do?
  • What are the carer’s strengths and weaknesses?
  • How did the carer handle difficult situations?
  • Did the carer communicate well with you and your family?
  • How did the carer help your loved one’s well-being?

If the referee has limited time, ask: “Would you hire them again or recommend them to others?” This question tells you a lot about the carer’s work and their past clients’ happiness.

Take notes during these talks to help you make a better decision when choosing for your loved one.

Checking that a carer is right for your loved one is no small task. You want someone who embodies the qualities of a good carer as well as having the experience and skills necessary to meet your loved one’s specific needs. To help you in your search for the ideal caregiver, we’ve put together a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how to check a private carer.

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Checking your Private Carer is Important

Step 3: Checking Their Skills and Training

A well-trained carer can really help your loved one. When looking at a carer’s skills and training, know the different qualifications they may have, how hard it is to check these qualifications, and why it’s important to have them interviewed by experts.

Common Types of Training and Qualifications

Carers can have many types of training and qualifications, depending on what they do and what your loved one needs. Some common types are:

  • Care Certificate: Basic training for caregivers, covering health and social care.
  • NVQ or QCF in Health and Social Care: A well-known qualification in the UK, with different levels based on the carer’s skill.
  • Dementia Care Training: Training for caring for people with dementia, covering communication, behavior management, and person-centered care.
  • First Aid and CPR: Important emergency care skills that can save lives.
  • Manual Handling and Moving & Assisting: Training on safe ways to lift, move, and reposition clients to prevent injuries.
  • Medication Management: Training on safely giving, storing, and watching medications.
  • Mental Health First Aid: Training on understanding and helping people with mental health issues.
  • Palliative Care Training: Special training for caring for people with serious illnesses.

Challenges in Verifying Qualifications

It can be hard to check and confirm a carer’s qualifications because the care industry is complex. It’s also easy for people to fake certificates, so you might worry about whether their qualifications are real.

The Importance of Professional Interviews

To help check a carer’s qualifications, have them interviewed by experts who know about caregiving skills. These professionals can test the carer’s knowledge and skill, making sure they have the right skills and qualifications for your loved one.

During the interview, experts can ask detailed questions about caregiving. The carer will need to show their understanding of good practices, problem-solving, and experience. This assessment, along with checking their qualifications, can help you decide if the carer has the right skills and training for your loved one.

By carefully looking at a carer’s skills and training, you can trust that they can give your loved one the care they need. Be sure to check their qualifications, know the challenges in doing so, and have professional interviews to make sure the carer can meet your loved one’s needs.

Step 4: Interview

The interview is very important when picking the right private carer for your loved one. It helps you see the carer’s personality, how they talk, and how they handle different situations. You can do this by using our guide.

Key Interview Topics

  • Compassion and Empathy: A good carer should care about others and understand their feelings. Ask how they have shown kindness in past jobs.
  • Patience and Adaptability: Caregiving can be hard, so a carer needs patience and the ability to change. Talk about times when they were patient and flexible.
  • Reliability and Trustworthiness: Your loved one’s safety depends on the carer being reliable and honest. Ask about their past attendance and times they showed trustworthiness.
  • Communication Skills: Good communication is important in caregiving. Ask how they talked with clients, families, and healthcare workers in difficult situations.

Sample Interview Questions

Think about asking these questions:

  • Tell me about a hard situation you had as a carer and how you solved it.
  • How do you handle a client who gets upset or won’t cooperate?
  • How do you make sure you focus on the person when caring for clients?
  • Describe a time when you had to tell a client or their family something hard. How did you handle it?
  • How do you manage your time and decide what to do first when caring for a client with many needs?

Remember, the interview is a chance for both you and the carer to ask questions. Talk openly and make sure everyone understands the job and what to expect.

Using tips from PrimeCarers and Indeed’s Care Assistant Interview Questions, you can have a good interview to find the best carer for your loved one. The goal is to find someone who has the qualities, skills, and experience to give great care and support.

Step 5: Watch the Carer with Your Loved One

When picking the best private carer, it’s important to see how they act with the person they’ll be caring for. This helps you know if the carer can understand and meet your loved one’s needs and build a good relationship.

Why It Matters

How the carer and your loved one get along can affect the care experience. Only your loved one and you can know what makes them feel comfortable and respected. Watching their interactions helps you see if the carer’s approach works for your loved one and if they can build trust.

What to Look For

Notice these things when watching the carer with your loved one:

  • Communication: See how the carer talks with your loved one, both with words and actions. Are they using simple language and listening to your loved one? Do their face, body, and voice show kindness and understanding?
  • Engagement: Check if the carer includes your loved one in conversation, activities, and decisions. Are they trying to involve your loved one and show interest in their thoughts and feelings?
  • Adaptability: Watch how the carer changes to meet your loved one’s needs and personality. Are they changing their approach to match your loved one’s likes, or do they seem stuck in their ways?
  • Comfort and Trust: Look at how your loved one reacts to the carer. Do they seem relaxed and comfortable? Are there signs that your loved one trusts the carer, like sharing personal information or talking about their feelings?

Trusting Your Instincts

Trust your feelings when watching the carer with your loved one. You know your loved one best and can tell if the carer’s approach will make a good care environment. If something doesn’t seem right, keep looking for a carer who connects with your loved one and can give the care they need.

By watching the carer with your loved one and trusting your instincts, you can find a carer who is skilled and able to build a strong, positive relationship, making the care experience better.

Step 6: Setting a Trial Period and Regular Check-ins

Before deciding on a private carer, it’s smart to have a trial period to check their work and how well they fit with your loved one. Regular check-ins are important to make sure the carer keeps meeting your loved one’s needs and giving the best care. Use tips from the PrimeCarers FAQ to set up a trial period and check-in system.

Trial Period

A trial period lets you:

  • See if the carer can do their job well
  • Watch how well the carer changes to your loved one’s needs and likes
  • Find out if the carer is right for your family and care situation

During the trial, talk openly with the carer, giving helpful feedback and answering their questions. Ask your loved one to share their thoughts on the carer’s work and the care they get.

Ongoing Check-ins

Regular check-ins help make sure the carer keeps giving great care and deals with changes in your loved one’s needs. Think about these things when checking the carer’s work:

  • Set up a routine for regular talks about progress, worries, and changes to the care plan
  • Encourage the carer, your loved one, and other family members to keep talking
  • Give a clear, written list of what you expect, the carer’s jobs, and care goals
  • Keep good records of the carer’s work, writing down anything important

Using PrimeCarers Resources

PrimeCarers has free resources in their FAQ section that can help with the trial period and regular check-ins for your private carer. These resources can help you:

  • Make a detailed care plan based on your loved one’s needs
  • Set a schedule with the carer’s work hours, breaks, and jobs
  • Write down any problems or worries during the care process

By having a trial period and regular check-ins, you can make sure the private carer is right for your loved one and gives the care they need. Use resources from PrimeCarers and the University of Cambridge’s guide to help manage and check the carer’s work well.

Step 7: Recognising and Handling Concerns

As the main supporter of your loved one, it’s crucial to know when and how to deal with concerns about the private carer’s work. While regular check-ins (as mentioned in Step 6) help make sure the carer keeps giving great care, it’s just as important to notice possible issues and act when needed.

Finding Concerns

Some concerns that might need your attention include:

  • Changes in your loved one’s behavior or health that could mean poor care
  • The carer often missing or being late to visits
  • Injuries or problems with your loved one that aren’t explained
  • The carer not talking openly about your loved one’s care

Handling Concerns

If you see any concerns, it’s important to deal with them quickly and well. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Gather Information: Get all the details about the concern, like any documents, records, or things you saw.
  2. Talk with the Carer: Talk about the concern with the carer in a calm way, letting them explain and share any details. It’s important to keep talking openly and work together to fix the issue.
  3. Make an Action Plan: If the concern needs changes to the care plan or the carer’s way of working, work with the carer to make a clear action plan with steps and a timeline.
  4. Watch Progress: Keep checking the carer’s work and if they follow the action plan, giving help and feedback as needed. This makes sure the issue gets fixed well and stops more concerns from happening.
  5. Take Further Action if Needed: If the concern isn’t fixed or the carer’s work is still not good, think about talking with a supervisor, agency person, or another authority. In some cases, you might need to find a new carer who is better for your loved one’s needs.

By knowing when and how to handle concerns, you can make sure your loved one is safe and cared for well. The main goal is to give the best care and support for your loved one, and dealing with concerns is a key part of that.


Making sure your private carer is right takes ongoing effort to keep your loved one safe, healthy, and happy. By doing a good interview, checking backgrounds and references, looking at their skills and how well they fit, and setting clear expectations, you can find the perfect carer. Remember to keep talking openly and checking their work, as this can help fix any issues and make a better care experience for everyone.

By following these steps and using resources like PrimeCarers, you’ll be on your way to finding the best private carer who can give the care and support your loved one needs.

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James Bowdler


I founded and manage PrimeCarers, a Platform that connects Private Clients with Private Carers near them.

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